Oh shit, this #IllegalMath arc can be traced back to the beginning of the #Renaissance. Wasn't it #LeonardoDiVinci and #SirIsaacNewton whose math was deemed illegal by the #Papacy?
Today we have swapped the #Pope for the #CentralBank chair, #JeromePowell, and the math that could liberate mankind from their clutches is being made illegal.
#catholicChurch #theFederalReserve #censorship #CBDC #facebookCoin
#illegalMath #renaissance #LeonardoDiVinci #SirIsaacNewton #papacy #pope #centralbank #jeromePowell #catholicchurch #thefederalreserve #censorship #cbdc #facebookCoin
Favourite quote of the past week(s):
"They said #Bitcoin was too volatile..."
#pumpAndDump #stockMarket #wallStreet #ponziScheme #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #passiveInvestment #forcedInvestment #smsf #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconValley #sillyconValley #google #uber #facebook #facebookCoin #libraCoin #boeing #airTravel #coronavirus #factoryFarming #justInTime #manufacturing #globalism #supplychains #labourExploitation #cheapLabour
#bitcoin #pumpAndDump #stockmarket #wallstreet #ponzischeme #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #passiveinvestment #forcedInvestment #SMSF #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconvalley #sillyconvalley #google #uber #facebook #facebookCoin #libracoin #boeing #airTravel #coronavirus #factoryFarming #justInTime #manufacturing #globalism #supplychains #labourExploitation #cheapLabour