Mine Nest · @minenest
22 followers · 16857 posts · Server channels.im
Milan · @milan
8075 followers · 28749 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

metal vs plastic wins. i am surprised but i shouldn’t be: there is no flexcable to worry about, so the exploded render is more accurate than expected. it’s just that piece of plastic for the led.

#facecam #elgato

Last updated 1 year ago



Not my own . Was interesting to watch old video when he played but even now live its also WoW. He's got a small , nothing too big since I checked archive but you don't need a big stretch of your facecam for me to compare myself to other people's Neurotypes.

I can recommend the stream itself. He seems like a joyful and friendly guy, so outside of neurotypes I think you'll have a great time! I had...and if you have perhaps our neurotypes are closer than we may think. !

#Neurotype #WOW #facecam #hopethishelps

Last updated 1 year ago

This hashtag is going to mean on , using the

Current stream with highest amount of views.
Then choosing in a biased manner someone who has fewer viewers following the criteria of (the stream must have a camera that shows the face, a bit at least, does not need to fill the entire screen) + (while they are streaming there is a of their current stream)

#hashtagideas #twitch #twitchcustomcategory #neurodivergent #facecam #livearchive #twitcharchive

Last updated 1 year ago

: I do not own a Twitch Account.

So, today April 7, 2023 on and I found the following streamers with the tag but this post is already by 1-2 hours maybe...

I've chosen the streams with some extra /#criterion like
* (criterion: a streamer must not turn off archive and it must also show current stream in the video archive)

at the time of picking each streamer. The numbers are amount of viewers.

Top 3 streamers according to my criteria :
* 133
* 121
* 120

3 'random' :
* 1
* 6
* 2

#disclaimer #twitch #neurodivergent #outdated #criteria #transparentarchives #facecam #viewershightolow #andymacster #alinkbetweenworlds #elwyyra #residentevilcodeveronica #charmelian #thesims4 #lowerviewcountstreamers #lesbiantoebeans #residentevil4 #missmajick #greenhell #hybrid10prime #apexlegends

Last updated 1 year ago

Las Cosas Retro · @lascosasretro
3 followers · 5 posts · Server techhub.social

✅ Te traigo la de Elgato.
En este vídeo vas a ver un completo análisis y además una comparación con la que ha sido hasta ahora mi cámara para YouTube, la Sony AX33.

No te lo pierdas ⤵️⤵️
▶️ youtu.be/ulCrfDa6-tk
▶️ youtu.be/ulCrfDa6-tk
▶️ youtu.be/ulCrfDa6-tk


Last updated 1 year ago

John Heinrich · @joemj
45 followers · 277 posts · Server mastodon.social

Auf der Verpackung von dieser Webcam fehlt die Angabe "Achtung, man sieht jeden Pickel und jedes Staubkorn! (einself!!)".


#wennichdasvorhergewussthatte #elgato #facecam

Last updated 2 years ago

iaspidem · @iaspidem
1 followers · 277 posts · Server mstdn.social

RT @UnderratedGami1
Das ist doch echt nicht wahr XD


@xrenrus @LionUpNetwork1
@WesboG4m1ng @TwitchDE

#Streamaufnahme #facecam #TheSuicideofRachelFoster #horror #gamergirl

Last updated 3 years ago

👽 Lunovox Heavenfinder🛸 · @lunovox
37 followers · 2739 posts · Server qoto.org

Fundando a vila Baixa da Égua | Unknown Horizons T08C01

Venha me assistir desbravando o mar e colonizando as terras da vila que se chamará Baixa da Égua. Será que vou conseguir conquistar todo o território antes da concorrência? Será que eu vou fazer uma boa administração pública e terminar com o público sem nenhum saldo negativo no cofre público?


Hashtags: @lunovox

#gameplay #citybuilder #unknownhorizons #facecam #softwarelivre #LunoGamePlays #T08C01

Last updated 3 years ago