Paula Meijer-de Kok · @PaulaM
94 followers · 4868 posts · Server

RT @XRSteden3hoek
"Wij roepen onze leiders op: open je ogen! Wees eerlijk! Dit is een klimaatnoodtoestand! Of, zoals Staring het misschien gezegd zou hebben: ‘Opent uw ogen, doet de waarheid gestand! Dit is een klimaatnoodtoestand!’”

#earnastatue #tellthetruth #facethefacts

Last updated 2 years ago

Join us and join our . You can make your own sign - printed on paper, or perhaps written on some crenulated schist, for the geologists out there. The science is clear.

(Germany, Koblenz).

#statuesundays #tellthetruth #facethefacts

Last updated 2 years ago

Pour alerter sur la cécité de nos sociétés face à l'urgence climatique, les scientifiques en rébellion, comme d'autres scientifiques dans le monde, bandent les yeux de statues. 15 statues ciblées en France, avec à chaque fois une symbolique forte.


#statuesunday #facethefacts #urgenceclimatique #rebellion #scientifiquesenrebellion #climat

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @XRebellionLA
It’s time for the ruling class to that exponential growth is a cancer killing life on earth and to about the 🔥 🌎

LISTEN TO THE SCIENCE 🥼 @ScientistRebel1

#facethefacts #tellthetruth #climateemergency #statuesunday

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @SciRebDenmark
Scientist Rebellion Aarhus joins ! The statue of Peter Sabroe - notable Aarhusian and child's rights advocate - calls on us to and of the last report. This is a climate emergency!

#statuesunday #tellthetruth #facethefacts #ipcc #dkpol #dkforsk #dkklima #dkgreen

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @SRNorway
Statues commemorate the past. How do we want to be remembered? What will the world look like in the future? We have to open our eyes, and . The time to act is now. @ScientistRebel1

#facethefacts #listentothescience #statuesunday #ipcc

Last updated 2 years ago

Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health. We could act to reduce this threat, but those in power are not acknowledging the urgency to do so or the harm being caused - or, they don’t care.



Last updated 2 years ago

‘Open je ogen! Vertel de waarheid! Dit is een klimaatnoodtoestand.'

Lisette Klok, klimaatonderzoeker en actief bij Scientist Rebellion, legt tijdens haar eerste actie met Scientist Rebellion uit waarom ‘Het Lieverdje’ in Amsterdam op zondagochtend 2 april van een blinddoek is voorzien.

En sluit af met de woorden ‘Het kan wel, actievoeren helpt!’

#earnastatue #facethefacts #sciencenotsilence

Last updated 2 years ago

We’re at it again! Week 2 of the Statues Action …

At Duke University in Durham, NC

#tellthetruth #facethefacts #climateemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @sr_sweden
FN klimat IPCC-rapporten varnas det för att om vi väntar på samordnade åtgärder kommer det att innebära att vi missar möjligheten att säkra en livskraftig och hållbar framtid för alla!

Swedenborg, Mariatorget, Stockholm

#facethefacts #tellthetruth #earnastatue #climatecrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

"Our house is burning and we are looking somewhere else" (J. Chirac, 2002)
"Who could have predicted the climate crisis?" (E. Macron, 2022)
Once again, an IPCC report has been released to general indifference. It is high time to open our eyes.

@ScientistRebellion @scientifiques_en_rebellion

#facethefacts #tellthetruth #earnastatue #statuesunday

Last updated 2 years ago

"Notre maison brûle et nous regardons ailleurs" (J. Chirac, 2002)
« Qui aurait pu prédire la crise climatique? » (E. Macron, 2022)
Une fois de plus, un rapport du GIEC est sorti dans l'indifférence générale. Il est plus que temps d'ouvrir les yeux.

@ScientistRebellion @scientifiques_en_rebellion

#facethefacts #tellthetruth #earnastatue #statuesunday

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @SRNorway
Today and last Sunday, scientists around the world blindfolded statues and demand the people in power . The has come out with its final synthesis report before we are expected to pass global heating of 1.5 °C. @ScientistRebel1 1/2

#facethefacts #ipcc #tellthetruth #statuesunday

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @SrFinland
The last report says current policies won't bring carbon emissions down fast enough. We demand that governments about the climate emergency, and take concrete actions to prevent a complete climate breakdown!

#ipcc #facethefacts #tellthetruth #earnastatue

Last updated 2 years ago

"Our house is on fire and we are looking somewhere else" (J. Chirac, 2002)
"Who could have predicted the climate crisis?" (E. Macron, 2022)
Once again, an IPCC report has been released to general indifference. It is high time to open our eyes.
@ScientistRebellion @scientifiques_en_rebellion

#facethefacts #tellthetruth #earnastatue #statuesunday

Last updated 2 years ago

"Notre maison brûle et nous regardons ailleurs" (J. Chirac, 2002)
« Qui aurait pu prédire la crise climatique? » (E. Macron, 2022)
Une fois de plus, un rapport du GIEC est sorti dans l'indifférence générale. Il est plus que temps d'ouvrir les yeux.
@ScientistRebellion @scientifiques_en_rebellion

#facethefacts #tellthetruth #earnastatue #statuesunday

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @SanjaHakala
demands that governments about the , and take concrete actions to prevent further climate breakdown. These pictures are from Switzerland, but we are everywhere: @ScientistRebel1

#scientistrebellion #facethefacts #climateemergency #tellthetruth

Last updated 2 years ago

Rick Elferink · @rickelf
13 followers · 268 posts · Server


Scientist Rebellion heeft vannacht in 10 landen standbeelden geblinddoekt in reactie op het laatste IPCC rapport. In Nederland: Spinoza (Amsterdam), Christiaan Huygens (Leiden) en Erasmus (Rotterdam). Dit zijn de beelden en de feiten.🧵(1/11)


#facethefacts #sciencenotsilence

Last updated 2 years ago

The most recent IPCC report was received with an incomprehensible lack of urgency by those in power. Let’s rip off the blindfold!

#tellthetruth #facethefacts #climateemergency #eggheads #ucdavis

Last updated 2 years ago

Paula Meijer-de Kok · @PaulaM
76 followers · 4070 posts · Server

RT @NLRebellion
Denenmarken - Kopenhagen - De kleine zeemeermin

De opwarming van de aarde is onmiskenbaar en menselijke activiteiten zijn de belangrijkste oorzaak van klimaatverandering. (2/11)

#earnastatue #facethefacts #sciencenotsilence

Last updated 2 years ago