Mick Birchall Reviews · @mickelrath
50 followers · 229 posts · Server mindly.social

This album is absolutely fantastic!

Suzi and KT complement each other well. Beautifully composed, well written and capturing all of the best elements of both artists.

& -


#suziquatro #KTTunstall #facetoface #rock #newalbum #indierock #altrock

Last updated 1 year ago

Mick Birchall Reviews · @mickelrath
50 followers · 225 posts · Server mindly.social
Mr. A. · @avds2708_1
40 followers · 31 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

We use touches and smells and the sounds of our voices to connect and learn about the world. And while we're focused on our phones, the world around us goes on, largely unnoticed.

We must try to tap back into that and focus on the reality of connecting with each other face to face, versus online.

#facetoface #socialmedia #voice #phone #focus #reality #connect

Last updated 1 year ago

Dom Tyer · @tangleofwires
195 followers · 355 posts · Server mas.to
nojarama · @nojarama
97 followers · 1038 posts · Server sfba.social

Happy anniversary to Siouxsie & The Banshees single, “Face To Face”. Released this week in 1992.

#SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #facetoface #batmanreturns #siouxsiesioux #thebanshees #dannyelfman

Last updated 1 year ago

Dom Tyer · @tangleofwires
167 followers · 280 posts · Server mas.to
Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
216 followers · 806 posts · Server botsin.space

57 years ago:
Face to Face (GR)
Original title: Πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο
The film’s main theme is the temporary affair of a professor of English (Kostas Messaris) with the daughter of a wealthy family, whom he tutors in order for her to marry an English businessman. The hero’s disappointment and his lost dreams make him blame his employers for his personal failure, but h...

#facetoface #film

Last updated 1 year ago

nojarama · @nojarama
87 followers · 885 posts · Server sfba.social
Nando161 · @nando161
588 followers · 29010 posts · Server kolektiva.social
tpushic · @tpushic
44 followers · 489 posts · Server mastodon.world
Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
149 followers · 819 posts · Server botsin.space

47 years ago:
Face to Face (SE)
Original title: Ansikte mot Ansikte
Dr. Jenny Isaksson is a psychiatrist whose temporary position at a mental hospital offers only modest responsibilities. With her husband out of the country for a seminar and her daughter at camp, Jenny moves in with her grandparents, expecting a relaxing few months. But it isn't long before unpleasa...

#facetoface #ingmarbergman #livullmann #gunnarbjornstrand #gostaekman

Last updated 2 years ago

has done its course in my life, it was only Neurodiversity that made make any sense at all to me.

Actually before I even heard that word "Neurodiversity" I met very individuals in the .

I met them. I had to determine myself if Autism was a real thing or not. and !

Personal encounters with many individuals fueled my in autism and as I met more and more I started to be able to identify neurotypes.
Everything starts with "is this person like me? Why or why not? In which ways is this person like me and in which ways is this person not like me? Does this person think like me or just happens they now have some similar interests but interests come and go right?".

When you think you are an .

"Person A reminded me about person S whom I met at that other autism encounter if I remember, hmm" and then "Person G also reminds me about person A".

When I got there was nothing really special about the aside from them finding that I belong to a .

The current though lacks the ability to tell what I am, which is bad! My unique is .

is about expanding and apparently there is about this yet.
Just and we don't even know who is out there with a of .

We in the are the to find them a solution and find us() a solution to . .

The Neurodiversity movement's stepping stone is neurotypes and the lack of knowledge in that area is , makes us weaker.

Hope escapes us last though.

I have hope and belief in that the Neurodiversity Movement is going to find a way, some of you out there will find a solution one day which we are all gonna enjoy.

#autismresearch #autism #neurodiverse #AutisticCommunity #facetoface #itwasreal #itisreal #interest #explorer #thinkingisimportant #thinkingissoimportant #diagnosed #diagnosis #spectrumofneurotypes #neurotypes #Science #Neurotype #unknown #knowledge #noknowledge #theories #treasuretrove #unsharedtheories #NeurodiversityMovement #lasthope #humanity #expandneurodiversity #neurodiversity #alarming #thinkers #hopedieslast

Last updated 2 years ago

Old British Telly · @oldbritishtelly
3309 followers · 2843 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

[1960] Face to Face - Series of interviews. The insightful and often probing style of the interviewer, former politician John Freeman, separated it from other programmes of the time. Here, John talks to Adam Faith.


#OldBritishTelly #facetoface #JohnFreeman #adamfaith

Last updated 2 years ago

Jerome · @PKYo
246 followers · 243 posts · Server mastodon.social

To attend an in-person morning meeting, some team members will to travel for hours, check for planned rail strikes, and possibly arrive in London the night before and stay in a hotel.

In-person meetings are easier for all to attend when scheduled 2 or 3 workdays in advance, and not rescheduled for later the same week.

#inperson #facetoface #meetings #scheduling #remote #office #work #meeting #planning #travel

Last updated 2 years ago

MAGMOE · @magmoe
1 followers · 1095 posts · Server mstdn.jp
Poptheart · @Poptheart
30 followers · 552 posts · Server mastodon.social
Damiano Uccheddu · @damiano_uccheddu
395 followers · 26 posts · Server mastodon.social

However, mothers with higher contact with had a *lower* risk of contracting . who cared for were at a higher risk of COVID-19. (4/6)

#facetoface #adultchildren #COVID19 #grandparents #grandchildren

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
670 followers · 3323 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Two absolutely in the towards true - which are still missing⚡

- with zero justifications, zero excuses & nothing but genuine WANT to work towards reconciliation.
- Proper for past damages/destruction done. Gifting that, without making victims beg or sue for

#essential #ingredients #recipe #reconcilliation #genuine #facetoface #spoken #apology #reparations #justice

Last updated 2 years ago

Great_Albums · @Great_Albums
598 followers · 405 posts · Server mstdn.social

Great Albums - 1970s: (1978). Occupying a sweet spot between AC/DC and Cheap Trick, these Australian pub rockers shake the walls and raise the roof on tunes crafted for dancing the pints away. Singer Doc Neeson punches the air with his voice as the band dropkicks the groove. Plugged as “Angel City” in the US (to their chagrin) the international LP combines Face To Face with 79’s equally ripping No Exit. , , , ,

#Australianmusic #rock #albums #MastodonMusic #greatalbums1970s #facetoface #theangels

Last updated 2 years ago

TheSkinnyMenace · @TheSkinnyMenace
185 followers · 438 posts · Server mindly.social

I made a new for
It's a cover of 's "Walk the Walk"
I really enjoy a or
It's important to make the new words and theme of the song congruent with the original.
I'm pretty proud of this one, it came to me in a flash but it took me a bit to make it real.
this cuz I won't stop till everyone has heard it


#song #christmas #Holiday #facetoface #parody #coversong #boost

Last updated 2 years ago