Neu im #DVPWblog: @fidpol startet die neue Rubrik "#Pollux. Für die #Politikwissenschaft" mit Beiträgen rund um den #Fachinformationsdienst #FID!
#dvpwblog #pollux #politikwissenschaft #fachinformationsdienst #fid
From 23/12/2022 to 08/01/2023, the entire TU #Braunschweig will be closed, and the #Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie will also be on Christmas vacation. During this time, the PubPharm features, including, e.g., the novel Drug Overviews, will be available as usual.
#braunschweig #fachinformationsdienst
Hello fedivers!
We are the #Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Pharmazie operated by the University Library and the Institute for Information Systems at TU #Braunschweig. We support university-based pharmaceutical scientists with customised and specific services and provide comprehensive access to subject-specific information resources (#literature). Our central service is the freely available drug-centred search platform PubPharm (
#neuhier #introduction #Pharmacy
#fachinformationsdienst #braunschweig #literature #neuhier #introduction #pharmacy