Einen Tag vor dem 1. Corona-Lockdown war ich beim Friseur und hab mir einen 5mm-Schnitt verpassen lassen. Seitdem war ich, bis auf etwas Angleichung, nicht mehr dort. #factaboutme
Here's a #factAboutMe: I walked out of the first Captain America movie because I hated it so much and I haven't finished a Marvel movie since.
#FactAboutMe -
My #favorite #bourbon #whiskey is #Baker's.
Runners up include #GeorgeDickel #Rye, #WillettPotStillReserve, #FourRoses #YellowLabel, and #AngelsEnvy.
You can throw in your #opinions but they won't change mine. 😋
#factaboutme #favorite #bourbon #whiskey #baker #georgedickel #rye #willettpotstillreserve #fourroses #yellowlabel #angelsenvy #opinions
#FactAboutMe -
I was a #COBOL #programmer for a decade.
#factaboutme #cobol #programmer #tech #programming #coding #ancient