Amid the brainstorming and posturing to unlock the leadership question within the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), the Ajit Pawar camp was left red-faced this morning over a missing bunch of keys.
#AjitPawar #Faction #NewOffice #Shut #Keys
#ajitpawar #faction #newoffice #shut #keys
Buy my #faction #novel The Rimutaka Singularity NOW at
Sex, gender, espionage and intrigue!
Octobre 2019, 10.000 #factieux de #alliancepolice prennent la France en otage.
Ils manifestent à Paris, menaçant la #Macronnie d'une grêve si ils n'obtiennent pas la réintégration des #milichiens de leur #faction exclus pour violences ; ils l'obtiendront.
Ce jour là, on a pu les voir rigoler en voyant leurs affidés se moquer des #giletsjaunes éborgnés en se mettant la main devant l’œil.
On oublie pas !
#NiOubliNiPardon #acab #ViolencesPolicieres #RepenserLaPolice #DissoudreLaPolice #DefundThePolice
#factieux #alliancepolice #macronnie #milichiens #faction #giletsjaunes #nioublinipardon #acab #violencespolicieres #repenserlapolice #dissoudrelapolice #DefundThePolice
Bonne Manif à toots.tes !!
[Pour financer la Lutte dessinée !!
#ReformeDesRetaites #retraites #Retraite #manif28mars #greve28mars #factieux #faction #terroristes #ViolencesPolicières
#reformedesretaites #retraites #retraite #manif28mars #greve28mars #factieux #faction #terroristes #violencespolicieres
Je retweet peu mais je ne peux que me réjouir de voir cette mobilisation historique contre les #megabassines
#urgenceclimatique ..
Une #faction proclimat de plus de 10 000 paysan.nes pour dire non à l'accaparement de l'eau.
#megabassines #urgenceclimatique #faction #climat #JusticeClimatique
In the first blog of our 2023 series on 'Factions', Dr Andrew Thrush explores the bitter rivalry between the Cecils and Robert Devereux over the succession to Lord Burghley as the queen’s chief minister. Find out how it divided the court during the 1590s👇
#blogseries #faction #16thcentury
The Bookmark as Murder Weapon
(Short story by Alex Epstein)
Except for the title, any connection between this story and reality is the product of the imagination of the author and the reader.
#alexepstein #imagination #reality #faction
After all, it would certainly require a #Stargate-alike structure of episodes with somewhat closed subplots and a general overarching plot.
The problem would be to find any meaningful way to connect these into the closed story of #Waterworld...
It would require choosing more than just the #Mariner but a #faction - like the series #TheTribe did - and following a multitude of characters along.
And it would certainly be hard to get the canonically survivng old cast onboard...
#thetribe #faction #mariner #waterworld #stargate
"And now, some people to meet (and possibly punch)" aka factions in HTBM!
The Bureau
Presented in classified and partially redacted documents, these are the "Black Suits and Dark Shades. You know the ones, and they know you know. Careful, they may be watching you right now...They are the ones who seek to preserve ‘normalcy’ at all costs...
Could one #instance or #cartel or #faction of ideologically-affiliated of instances, with a plurality of users, disrupt the #fediverse?
#instance #cartel #faction #fediverse
Could one #instance or #cartel or #faction of ideologically-affiliated of instances, with a plurality of users, disrupt the #fediverse?
#instance #cartel #faction #fediverse
@sylviawrites Journaling is fantastic if you are willing to face yourself and even enjoying it!
The person / character I have in mind doesn't seem to be into journaling and effective self-reflection is quite off topic or could be part of the hyperthinking.
Might not even realize the precarious state of mind he/she/it/they is/are in.
#writing #faction #WritingCommunity #character #conflict #cognition #psychology
#psychology #cognition #conflict #character #writingcommunity #faction #writing
what happens inside a character who sinks a newly won empire because reality doesn't bend to the characters wrong believe?
What will he do when he realizes he's not up to the game he started?
#fiction #faction #realTime #drama #character
#riptwitter #philosophy #psychology #character #drama #realtime #faction #fiction #writingcommunity #writers