It's a great pleasure to welcome researchers from all over the world in the @Cyberagentur to the 5th Human Factor in Cybercrime Conference in Halle (Saale), which starts today. We look forward to a good exchange of ideas.
Many thanks to the 2023 organizing committee
Tamar Berenblum
Cassandra Cross
Benoit Dupont
Tom Holt
Rutger Leukfeldt
Dr. Nicole Selzer
Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg
#HFC_Conference #Human #Factor #Cybercrime #Cybersecurity #Cyberresilience
#hfc_conference #human #factor #cybercrime #CyberSecurity #CyberResilience
One day, one decomposition
A036441: a(n+1) = next number having largest prime dividing a(n) as a factor, with a(1) = 2
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #primenumbers #factor #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #factor #primenumbers #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
#Blog Een #Factor van Verschil
@NOS #Journaal #Nieuwsuur
#nieuwsuur #journaal #factor #blog
Follow up created my first #python #script to #query the #Todoist #API and creat timed #calendar events for tasks in #Gcal. I was amazed at how quickly I could put this together (8 hrs or so) with no knowledge of python. C# or #Swift or #JavaScript (which I know well) would have taken similar times I think.
There’s a huge #factor to be taken into account around #community #support for a #language - #mature support for #tooling, #conventions and #samples are a big #boost too new learners.
#python #script #query #todoist #api #calendar #gcal #swift #javascript #factor #community #support #language #mature #tooling #conventions #samples #boost
#factor : especially, a mercantile agent who buys and sells goods and transacts business for others in commission
- French: facteur
- German: der Faktor
- Italian: sostanza
- Portuguese: fator
- Spanish: factor
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
【和訳】スティーブ・アオキとルイ・トムリンソンがゲスト出演 | | The X Factor UK 2016
#Factor #Vlog #voiceactor #ゴットタレント #ジェフの翻訳チャンネル #ジャパンズ・ゴット・タレント #ルイ・トムリンソンLouisTomlinson #和訳 #和訳スティーブアオキとルイトムリンソンがゲスト出演 #声優 #日本語字幕 #海外オーディション #男性声優
#factor #vlog #voiceactor #ゴットタレント #ジェフの翻訳チャンネル #ジャパンズ・ゴット・タレント #ルイ・トムリンソンlouistomlinson #和訳 #和訳スティーブアオキとルイトムリンソンがゲスト出演 #声優 #日本語字幕 #海外オーディション #男性声優
【和訳・完全版】ルイ・トムリンソンの予選 | The X Factor 2010
#Factor #Vlog #voiceactor #ゴットタレント #ジェフの翻訳チャンネル #ルイ・トムリンソンLouisTomlinson #和訳 #和訳完全版ルイトムリンソンの予選 #声優 #日本語字幕 #海外オーディション #男性声優
#factor #vlog #voiceactor #ゴットタレント #ジェフの翻訳チャンネル #ルイ・トムリンソンlouistomlinson #和訳 #和訳完全版ルイトムリンソンの予選 #声優 #日本語字幕 #海外オーディション #男性声優
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Myka 9 & Factor:
🎵 Bless me out
Continuing work on my #Factor game framework. Quite happy with how easy it was to implement actions.
Turns out running a generational GC 60 times a second has much different performance characteristics than running a mark and sweep 60 times a second.
(I am trying to (lazily) deal with GC stutter in #Factor)
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Myka 9 & Factor:
🎵 Bless me out
#nowplaying #myka9 #factor #BandcampFriday
Tech Moves: Payscale adds president and CTO; Factor appoints CEO; and more - Nolan Farris (left) and Raj Cherukuri. (Payscale Photos)
— Compensation data ... - #techmoves #payscale #curevo #factor
#factor #curevo #payscale #techmoves
Who needs local variables when you got words like ` reach( w x y z -- w x y z w)` and `nipd( x y z -- y z)`. #Factor
So is #exertional #RHABDOMYOLYSIS on your radar? Can be #LifeThreatening and #heat is a major #factor Nothing better than a #stolen great #infographic from #FirstContactPhysio
#exertional #rhabdomyolysis #lifethreatening #heat #factor #stolen #infographic #firstcontactphysio #health #exercise #medical #primarycare #fcp
So is #exertional #RHABDOMYOLYSIS on your radar? Can be #LifeThreatening and #heat is a major #factor Nothing better than a #stolen great #infographic from #FirstContactPhysio
#exertional #rhabdomyolysis #lifethreatening #heat #factor #stolen #infographic #firstcontactphysio #health #exercise #medical #primarycare #fcp
So is #exertional #RHABDOMYOLYSIS on your radar? Can be #LifeThreatening and we are (hopefully soon) getting into the season where this can be an issue as #heat is a major #factor and nothing better than a #stolen great #infographic from #FirstContactPhysio
#medmastodon #health #healthcare #exercise #learning #medical #primarycare #FCP
#exertional #rhabdomyolysis #lifethreatening #heat #factor #stolen #infographic #firstcontactphysio #medmastodon #health #healthcare #exercise #learning #medical #primarycare #fcp
One day, one decomposition
A008365: Smallest prime factor is >= 13
3D graph #threejs #webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #math #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #rough #numbers #divisible #prime #factor #graph
#graph #factor #prime #divisible #numbers #rough #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #math #decompwlj #webgl #threejs
#factor : especially, a mercantile agent who buys and sells goods and transacts business for others in commission
- French: facteur
- German: der Faktor
- Italian: sostanza
- Portuguese: fator
- Spanish: factor
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!