Don't get me wrong, I love #Linux and ran it for about 3 years before being forced to go back to #Windows. Coming back to it recently has been a great joy.
But the pain of installing #Matlab and losing my entire #Factorio run recently really broke me.
Linux is fun, but the installation of software is often a pain, and I can see the barrier it would have for even my technical friends. The other thing is the weird instability I sometimes experience. Something like my software working great and then just crashing for days without changing anything.
Overall, it is fun for a developer, but I sometimes miss the fire and forget the ease of use I had with Windows and 90% of my #Steam library.
#linux #windows #matlab #factorio #steam
📜#FridayFacts #375 - Quality.
#fridayfacts #factorio #videogames #gaming #linuxgaming
Finally beat #Factorio for the first time. Now to see how many rockets I can launch an hour. This factory must grow.
Ahhhh it's been awhile since I've furiously refreshed a blog for the latest Friday post. #factorio
Factotrio Patch 1.1.90 notes and more
#futuregamereleases #Factorio #Wube_Software
#futuregamereleases #factorio #wube_software
After over 60 hours in this save, I'm now at the point where I can get started on the end game. Still have a long way to go.
#teamsmac #игы! #factorio @rf @ru
Страдаешь от аутизма, депрессии и игровой зависимости?
Готов проводить по несколько часов в день за построением^Wпрохождением хуёв в factorio с эпичным модном Space Exploration (+K2 и по мелочи, (и прочих эзотерических играх) по прыщефрендли VPNу?
Любишь слушать хрюкающих, булькающих (когда пропускает RNNoise), ноющих и визжащих в mumble прыщеблядков-девиантов и их домочадцев?
Team S.M.A.C. ждет тебя:
The factory must expand to meet the needs of the expanding factory.
This blog post from #factorio is amazing. The #tech used in gamedev is so diff from the usual CRUD apps.
📜#FridayFacts #374 - Smarter robots.
#fridayfacts #factorio #videogames #gaming #linuxgaming
Where is your God now??
#Factorio madness. I will never be on DoshDoshington's level, but his content continues to keep me amazed and mystified. you smell something cooking? Oh. It's just my brain. :pinkiegasp:
Ich finde abgesehen vom Bauen und des Namens haben die wenig gemeinsam. Factorio ist hat MinMaxen auf Zeit, Satisfactory eher chilliges Schönbauen*
*Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters
#Factorio has announced a new expansion, Factorio: Space Age, which allows players to explore new worlds, exploit resources, and manage interplanetary space platforms. The expansion also introduces changes to the tech tree and game dynamics.
SO Plans for this week ey? Oh YE Boi we got 'em!
Wednesday I'm carrying on with QUAKE 2 with @MMusselwhite at 7:30PM BST, we have more strog to own!
And on Thursday at 6PM We're kickin' off a COLLAB SERIES AYO WHAT?! I'm joining up with @LucydiaLuminous to begin the Polluting Mayhem of FACTORIO!
Lookin' forward to it all and I shall see ya all then!
#vtuber #envtuber #gaming #factorio #quake
Factorio: Space Age has been announced! Release is still about a year away, but looks exciting
#Factorio #IndieGame #SpaceAge #FactorioSpaceAge
#factorio #indiegame #spaceage #factoriospaceage
定番工場建設シム『Factorio』もついに宇宙の時代!追加コンテンツ「Space Age」発表
#gamespark #Factorio