Let’s talk about robots!
Because if you are at all involved in the world of manufacturing and are thinking about AI, that’s where your head really needs to be. That’s the subtle undertone of my interview over at the ABB “Factories of the Future – The Robot Podcast” which you can listen to and download here. It’s available on all streaming platforms.
When I was interviewed for the ABB podcast, I made sure to do a local recording in my virtual broadcast studio. I realized that there is a lot of good, concise insight here, some of which didn’t make it into the podcast. With that in mind, I decided to build it into a little interview show; in this. case, I’m interviewed by an AI Avatar who I have chosen to name Anders, in honour of the Swedish roots of ABB, a global powerhouse in the robotics industry.
#robots #robotics #manufacturing #factoryofthefuture
A 3D solution for fast fashion waste
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#fashion #fashionindustry #fashioninnovation #3d #3dprinting #weaving #woven #clothing #sustainability #fabrics #wastemanagement #waste #manufacturing #factory #factoryofthefuture #factoryautomation #yarns