This stuff scares the crap out of me as a PhD candidate.
From the essay: "Campuses have evolved over centuries and dedicated resources to perfect the art and science of human development, while largely outsourcing or ignoring the professional growth and learning of their employees. Rather than draw upon their own experts to develop and retain workers, institutions let employees burn out, and then replace them."
#academicchatter #highered #phdlife #facultyhiring
There's an important new piece, now out in the Communications of the ACM, from @nick and colleagues on how subfield differences and university prestige hierarchies contribute to gender inequity in faculty hiring in computer science.
Here's a short video summary:
#ComputerScience #FacultyHiring #GenderDiversity #DEI #Prestige
#prestige #dei #genderdiversity #facultyhiring #computerscience
I'm in a super-supportive, truly-interdisciplinary department and *Monday* is the deadline to apply to the faculty search job I'm chairing. We're looking for someone interested in helping grad and undergrad students conceive and create playable media projects. If you're wondering if you might be a fit, you probably are!
#academicJobs #facultyHiring #gameDev #eLit #criticalMaking #digitalArt
#academicjobs #facultyhiring #gamedev #elit #criticalmaking #digitalArt