~Saturday Night Special
O Fad Gadget ήταν ο πρώτος καλλιτέχνης που υπόγραψε στην ανεξάρτητη Mute records. To μουσικό του στυλ με τα synths επηρέασε τους Depeche Mode (που απεχθάνομαι). Το ´81 κυκλοφόρησε το Incontinent στην Mute και την επόμενη χρονιά οι DM βγάζουν το The Meaning of Love, φτηνή ποπ για την Ελίτ.
Το σινγκλ το αγόρασα για το Oberkorn (B-Side) που δεν μπήκε πότε σε δίσκο και πλησιάζει σε αυτά που έκανε ο Fad. Σαν σήμερα θα γινόταν 67.
Fad Gadget, Mute, Daniel Miller and Jean-Marc Lederman: 'I saw the animal in Frank' #DanielMiller #FadGadget #FrankTovey #JeanMarcLederman #MuteRecords
#muterecords #jeanmarclederman #franktovey #fadgadget #danielmiller
Fad Gadget, Mute, Daniel Miller and Jean-Marc Lederman: 'I saw the animal in Frank' #DanielMiller #FadGadget #FrankTovey #JeanMarcLederman #MuteRecords
#muterecords #jeanmarclederman #franktovey #fadgadget #danielmiller
Moby thinks this is one of the best albums ever made. There aren’t a lot of arty new wave albums that are as good. Certainly none that have the chill vibe this album has. I think #FadGadget is another super underrated band that isn’t as well known because they were always more about performance art and the live show.
Am 01.02.1984 wurde das Album "GAG" von Fad Gadget veröffentlicht.
Es wurde in den legendären Berliner Hansa-Studios aufgenommen, unter Mitwirkung von u. a. den Einstürzenden Neubauten (unüberhörbar beim folgenden Song) .
Fad Gadget Collapsing New People 1984 - Invidious
#OTD #NewWave #industrial #FadGadget #FrankTovey #EinstuerzendeNeubauten #EinstürzendeNeubauten
#otd #newwave #industrial #fadgadget #franktovey #EinstuerzendeNeubauten #EinsturzendeNeubauten
I angsted quite a lot over this, in particular whether or not to include #FadGadget and #NineInchNails (who are technically bands but often referred to as solo projects). So I hope some good comes of it.
(Spoiler: it won't)
#7bandstoknowme #fieldsofthenephilim #skinnypuppy #duranduran #einsturzendeneubauten #marquisdesade #childrenonstun #indochine #fadgadget #nineinchnails
I angsted quite a lot over this, in particular whether or not to include #FadGadget and #NineInchNails (who are technically bands but often referred to as solo projects). So I hope some good comes of it.
(Spoiler: it won't)
#7bandstoknowme #fieldsofthenephilim #skinnypuppy #duranduran #einsturzendeneubauten #marquisdesade #childrenonstun #indochine #fadgadget #nineinchnails
What is this I see? No FrankTovey hashtag on Mastodon? Better sort it aht.
This is the jewel in my modest vinyl collection, "Snakes and Ladders", solo album by the legend behind FadGadget (which does have a hashtag but not nearly enough action on it!)
#franktovey #fadgadget #postpunk #synthpop #80s
What is this I see? No FrankTovey hashtag on Mastodon? Better sort it aht.
This is the jewel in my modest vinyl collection, "Snakes and Ladders", solo album by the legend behind FadGadget (which does have a hashtag but not nearly enough action on it!)
#franktovey #fadgadget #postpunk #synthpop #80s
Hello everyone, these are my interests. If you like them, please uhh... reblog? And follow. I follow back :)
Etc, etc!
#redhotchilipeppers #aliceinchains #soundgarden #pearljam #nirvana #fadgadget #vintage #filterart #picsart #photoediting #psychedelic #johnfrusciante #JerryCantrell #chriscornell #KurtCobain #LayneStaley #SeanKinney
Qua muziek, luister allemaal eens naar #televisionpersonalities en #istist, of #fine en #fadgadget en oja #AAWilliams en vele anderen
#AAWilliams #fadgadget #fine #istist #televisionpersonalities
Fad Gadget - Lady Shave
This British musician published at the same record company (Mute records) as Depeche Mode, Nick Cave and Einstürzende Neubauten. Depeche Mode started off their careers as opening band for one of Fad Gadgets's concerts. There is also a collaboration between Gadget and the Neubauten under the title "Collapsing new people".
#musicfromthe80ies #80ies #postpunk #newwave #fadgadget
#musicfromthe80ies #80ies #postpunk #newwave #fadgadget