The Promised Land #swimming hole near Bellingen records #faecal contamination of water.
#Bellingen #pollution #tourism #overtourism #NeverNever #ArthurKeoghReserve #Bellinger River #Swimming hole #HungryHead #Beach #Urunga #enterococcus #yuck #pets #Pet owners #dog #excrements #runoff #nappies #Bello #riverwatch #conservation #wildlife Bellinger River #turtle #platypus
#swimming #faecal #bellingen #pollution #tourism #overtourism #nevernever #arthurkeoghreserve #bellinger #hungryhead #beach #urunga #enterococcus #yuck #pets #pet #dog #excrements #runoff #nappies #bello #riverwatch #conservation #wildlife #turtle #platypus
The Promised Land #swimming hole near Bellingen records #faecal contamination of water. The #PromisedLand, near #Bellingen on the NSW Mid North Coast, was so well loved recently that the local council advised swimmers to stay out of the #NeverNever #River that ran through it. There are no public toilets, no rubbish bins, and minimal parking. But that hasn't stopped thousands of people from visiting the scenic swimming spot. There is an increase in litter in the region and damage to some #revegetation areas where people had parked inappropriately.
#pollution #swimming area Arthur Keogh Reserve #tourist destination holiday period #overtourism human #dog #excrement enterococcus #bacteria septic leak #conservation #wildlife
#swimming #faecal #promisedland #bellingen #nevernever #river #revegetation #pollution #tourist #overtourism #dog #excrement #bacteria #conservation #wildlife