It's 2023.
Honestly, didn't think we'd make it this far... Or, rather, I would make it this far. It's been a long road, and not a smooth one. 2022 was a year that existed. Joys, sorrows, the whole nine yards.
Apart from familial events like weddings and a few deaths, not much really happened.
I turned 31 days before Christmas, a feat that even I don't understand. The day came and went. While we celebrated, we also mourned. We mourned the passing West of a dear, beloved friend. The world isn't the same. Dua Yinepu (Anubis) for being there and Dua Aset (Isis) for helping me grieve.
This year was also one of growth. Not only my own, but for my niece and nephew. My nephew started school this year. He loves it, and I couldn't be more proud. His curiosity and sense of wonder always amaze me! My niece has grown so much since last year. She was born November 30, 2021, and is the sweetest thing. I had the pleasure to watch her from February to August this year, and just getting to love and spoil her warms me to the bone. (Ok, enough bragging!)
Looking into this new year, I'm filled with the same mix of wonder and dread. The future is not certain, and only we can blaze the trail. Will there be failures? Many. Sorrows? Heaps. But there will also be joys and successes beyond measure.
I've made goals and started to prep for them. I have been sick, so I am granting myself some grace before starting. To list a few:
• Focus on Myself- physically, emotionally, spiritually
• Devote more time to my spiritual life- Learning the mysteries of Netjer, my magical practice, and my hieroglyphs class
• Be more present- With my husband, family, and friends (and also with myself)
They aren't many, and I'm sure more will spring up in the coming months, but these are the ones that feel most important right now.
Guess that kinda sums it up, I suppose. I'll be pulling cards for the year and for the upcoming months, individually as they come. Maybe I'll even post about them. Who knows. For now, I'm relaxing and enjoying time with my husband, which means more to me than anything else.
Dua Netjer for the closing of another secular year and the opening of another. May You guide us safely through. Kheperu!
#NewYear #Kemetic #KemeticPolytheist #Polytheist #Pagan #KemeticPagan #KemeticWitch #Witch #FaeOfTheDuat
#NewYear #Kemetic #kemeticpolytheist #polytheist #Pagan #KemeticPagan #kemeticwitch #witch #faeoftheduat
*you know you're getting older, when you're auto insurance agent texts you a "happy birthday," and you think it's a sweet gesture...* 🙃😂
#Birthday #DecemberBirthday #ChristmasBaby #AnotherYearOlder #FaeOfTheDuat
#birthday #DecemberBirthday #ChristmasBaby #AnotherYearOlder #faeoftheduat
Hey, everyone!
Thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Sa'ahihethertnut, or Sa'ahi for short. I'm also known as Fae in other circles. My pronouns are far/faer or they/them. I am Non-binary, leaning towards the femme, which can also branch into being Genderfae. I identify as Fae, specifically Cú Síth, and have been in the alterhuman community since 2015, although I do not participate much anymore.
As for my religious beliefs and practices, I am a Kemetic Polytheist and witch. I grew up conservative Lutheran, but parted with that faith and life back in January of 2021, when I joined the Kemetic Orthodox faith. I was Divined as a child of Hethert-Nut in June 2021, and took my conversion vows a few days later.
As for my witchcraft, it has been absorbed into my Kemetic practices. I enjoy using tarot and oracle decks, as well as using candles.
Other ancillary fun stuff about me: I'm 30, married to my amazingly supportive husband of 7 years, and the best rat mom (according to my three girls). I love playing Pokémon and Stardew Valley. I enjoy reading, researching everything, and spending time with family and friends.
You can find me almost everywhere at @fae_of_the_duat.
#introduction #pagan #witch #Kemetic #polytheist #fae #faeoftheduat
#faeoftheduat #fae #polytheist #Kemetic #witch #Pagan #introduction