@bob @alfredohno @evan @atomicpoet @fediversenews
When you lift the lid on #Bluesky we find that most of their "advantages" are just on paper, not implemented - thus it's an interesting project full of noise and smoke.
Wish our #mainstreaming #fahernistas would focus on this and not fall for the sleight of hand mess #dotcons push. Have your say here https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/lets-talk-about-the-protocol-wars/3177
#bluesky #mainstreaming #fahernistas #dotcons
@alfredohno @evan @atomicpoet @fediversenews
For people who do not see the activism in this. Chicken and egg - we already have the egg - it's the #fedivers now can we nurture this to hatch a chicken. Or will our egg be stolen by magpies - see our #fahernistas making a mess of the "protocol wars" on this subject.
Chicken and egg - we already have the egg - it's the #fedivers now can we nurture this to hatch a chicken. Or will our egg be stolen by magpies - see our #fahernistas making a mess of the "protocol wars"
@aswath @tchambers @activitypubblueskybridge @mmasnick @anildash @manton
That's fine, nobody has to federate, the advantage of a bridge is you do not have to get the codebase to change their project - it's just a relay that connects one protocol to another, "permissionless" they can unfederate from this if they like.
It's a BAD, good tech solution, and likely the best we can do to mediate the current squealing mess out #fahernistas make.
The Decade of Dishonest Technology’ I call this the #dotcons as in the con after the dot-com bust. The time when our #fahernistas sold out the #openweb to capitalism... was a wasted ten years
#dotcons #fahernistas #openweb
How grassroots alts are ripped apart and die https://sheffield.indymedia.org.uk/2011/05/478827.html the is a long history to this problem we are seeing now with the #activertypub movement that built the #Fediverse good not to be blind to this mess making
#activertypub #fediverse #indymediaback #imc #geekproblem #fahernistas
How the grassroot Alt is ripped up. The story of UK #IMC and its splintering and death.
#imc #indymediaback #geekproblem #fahernistas
Am increasingly seeing our #fahernistas as noise making and space taking. The is almost no value to be found? What can we do?
#fahernistas groups and activism is a balance, some think self-expression and appearance is a form of political statement. Others argue that this is ultimately both shallow and superficial that does not lead to meaningful change, and that real activism requires more substantial actions and commitments.
http://hamishcampbell.com/tag/fahernistas/ are often a form of "slacktivism" - a way for people to feel like they are making a difference without doing anything substantial.
This last #openweb event, the feeling that 90% of the talking was about things that had been talked about way too much before and obviously did not matter for what needs to be #fediverse focus/done now. So strong noise to signal at this event.
This is kinda normal, obviously need good faith to mediate.
#academics #fahernistas #NGO #geekproblem need balance.
#openweb #fediverse #academics #fahernistas #ngo #geekproblem
#DecentSocial my prospective. https://decentsocial.net/ this #openweb event, the feeling that 90% of the talking was about things that had been talked about way too much before and obviously did not matter for what needs to be #fediverse focus/done now. So strong noise to signal at this event.
This is kinda normal, obviously need good faith to mediate.
#academics #fahernistas #NGO #geekproblem need balance.
Who is up for helping bridge building in the next session in an hour or so :)
#decentsocial #openweb #fediverse #academics #fahernistas #ngo #geekproblem
Liberal trolls get their value from "common sense" worshipping the #deathcult their sense of self-worth is challenged/ and thus damaged by people pushing thinking outside this #mainstreaming behaver and assumptions.
Mental health becomes a problem for the strong #blocking they dig themselves into a hole, and are then burred by cave in.
This traumatizes the communertys they are a part of. Ideas to not get our #fahernistas lost in this mess, please.
#deathcult #mainstreaming #blocking #fahernistas #socialhub
Liberal trolls get their value from "common sense" worshipping the #deathcult their sense of self-worth is challenged/ and thus damaged by people pushing thinking outside this #mainstreaming behaver and assumptions.
Mental health becomes a problem for the strong #blocking they dig themselves into a hole, and are then burred by cave in.
This traumatizes the communertys they are a part of. Ideas to not get our #fahernistas lost in this mess, please.
#deathcult #mainstreaming #blocking #fahernistas
The problem with most #fahernistas is that they are completely untrustworthy.
Yet, people trust them because they push #mainstreaming "common sense" this is the definition of evil, what to do? Ideas please?
The problem with most #fahernistas is that they are completely untrustworthy.
Yet, people trust them because they push #mainstreaming "common sense" this is the definition of evil, what to do? Ideas please?
The problem with most #fahernistas is that they are completely untrustworthy.
The is a deadline for funding https://www.ngi.eu/blog/2022/11/24/how-ngi-supports-open-interoperable-decentralised-and-trust-based-internet-applications-through-fediverse-projects-like-mastodon/ this is now much more open to #OMN projects, it's a chink that will likely not last long, the problem is the core #OMN are tired so need a wider crew to push this through.
The outcomes of what they actually fund is a bad fit, and will continue to be, but the is an opening here, and there are hundreds of #fahernistas poring in to fill it, more funding poured down the drain. We need to help to do something useful.
@chris this is so true of meany of the #fahernistas tech crew I run into... echo chambers and #dotcons with almost no idea that the #openweb still exists.
#fahernistas #dotcons #openweb
This is needed as a "common sense" existing path out of pointless #techchurn to give our lost #fahernistas something real to work for/to/on.
The #4opens is simply the foundation of open-source development "socialized" for change/challenge.
We need this to escape the #techshit
#techchurn #fahernistas #4opens #techshit
From a grassroots #DIY #tech prospective just about all our #openweb #fahernistas are dangurus loons, not because of the effect they have, this is non-existent, but because of the SPACE they take up. We need to weed out this #techshit to slow the #techcurn.
We need to do this now #4opens is anyone up for making this happen :)
#diy #tech #openweb #fahernistas #techshit #techcurn #4opens