Per chi s'è perso la trasmissione di #Fahrenheit di oggi su #SeViVaBeneBeneSeNoSeghe, è già riascoltabile qui (a partire da 1 ora e 19 minuti).
Oggi io ero un po' in banana (frastornato dal vento e dall'onda lunga), per fortuna che c'era anche @filo_sottile, che è sempre una garanzia.🙂
#fahrenheit #Sevivabenebenesenoseghe
Per chi ama ascoiltare la radio, domani #31agosto, dalle 16 circa, su #fahrenheit Radio3, @filo_sottile
e io parleremo della mia biografia
𝐒𝐞 𝐯𝐢 𝐯𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐠𝐡𝐞 (@edizionialegre)
ピカチュウとカエルの共演が可愛い#パピヨン犬 #ポケモン #ピカチュウ
#@meruna #cute #dog #Fahrenheit #Inu #papillon #petdog #パピヨン #パピヨン犬 #メルナchannel #多頭飼い #犬とおもちゃ #犬のおやつ #犬の居場所 #遊ぶ犬
#パピヨン犬 #ポケモン #ピカチュウ #cute #dog #fahrenheit #inu #papillon #petdog #パピヨン #メルナchannel #多頭飼い #犬とおもちゃ #犬のおやつ #犬の居場所 #遊ぶ犬
ワンだホルー♪ #パピヨン犬 #かわいい犬 #可愛い犬
#@meruna #cute #dog #Fahrenheit #Inu #papillon #petdog #パピヨン #パピヨン犬 #メルナchannel #多頭飼い #犬とおもちゃ #犬のおやつ #犬の居場所 #遊ぶ犬
#パピヨン犬 #かわいい犬 #可愛い犬 #cute #dog #fahrenheit #inu #papillon #petdog #パピヨン #メルナchannel #多頭飼い #犬とおもちゃ #犬のおやつ #犬の居場所 #遊ぶ犬
犬をやめた犬がこちらです #パピヨン犬 #かわいい犬 #可愛い犬
#@meruna #cute #dog #Fahrenheit #Inu #papillon #petdog #パピヨン #パピヨン犬 #メルナchannel #多頭飼い #犬とおもちゃ #犬のおやつ #犬の居場所 #遊ぶ犬
#パピヨン犬 #かわいい犬 #可愛い犬 #cute #dog #fahrenheit #inu #papillon #petdog #パピヨン #メルナchannel #多頭飼い #犬とおもちゃ #犬のおやつ #犬の居場所 #遊ぶ犬
Celsius Sends Bankruptcy Restructuring Plan To Creditors Vote After Court’s Approval - Bankrupt crypto lender Celsius is set to hold a vote on a plan to sell its asset to Fahre... - #blockchainnews #fahrenheit #machinsky #bankrupt #celsius
#celsius #bankrupt #machinsky #fahrenheit #blockchainnews
Gizmodo: Texas Keeps Setting Power Use Records as Summer Heat Rages #electricreliabilitycounciloftexas #texasinterconnection #scalesoftemperature #texaspowercrisis #energyintexas #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius #texas
#electricreliabilitycounciloftexas #texasinterconnection #scalesoftemperature #texaspowercrisis #energyintexas #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius #texas
Gizmodo: Argentina Experienced Its Hottest Winter Day in Over 100 Years #provincesofargentina #southernconeheatwave #scalesoftemperature #environment #buenosaires #fahrenheit #celsius #weather #nbc
#provincesofargentina #southernconeheatwave #scalesoftemperature #environment #buenosaires #fahrenheit #celsius #weather #nbc
Gizmodo: 80 Percent of People Around the World Experienced Climate Change-Induced Heat in July #climatechangeintheunitedstates #northernhemisphereheatwaves #climatechangeineurope #climatechangeinnorway #environment #fahrenheit #heatwave
#climatechangeintheunitedstates #northernhemisphereheatwaves #climatechangeineurope #climatechangeinnorway #environment #fahrenheit #heatwave
TheOnion: Water Temperature Off Florida Coast Hits 101.1 Degrees Fahrenheit #scalesoftemperature #thermodynamics #carolinenewton #louisbrundage #temperature #fahrenheit #jeffdevoe #weather #degree
#scalesoftemperature #thermodynamics #carolinenewton #louisbrundage #temperature #fahrenheit #jeffdevoe #weather #degree
There are endless #Celsius v #Fahrenheit debates, when the truth is there is obviously only one right answer to that question.
What I *really* wanna know is who the hell uses the #Thermostat scale.
#celsius #fahrenheit #thermostat
Is there a weather app that shows temperatures in both #Fahrenheit *and* #Celsius? I am trying to get better at naturally understanding Celsius, but I need consistent exposure to do that. #Weather
Gizmodo: From California to Florida, 93 Million Americans Are Under Heat Warnings and Advisories #nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
#nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
Gizmodo: From California to Florida, 93 Million Americans Are Under Heat Warnings and Advisories #nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
#nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
Gizmodo: States From California to Florida Are Facing Down Another Dangerously Hot Day #nationalweatherservice #scalesoftemperature #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius
#nationalweatherservice #scalesoftemperature #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius
🥥 63° #Fahrenheit doesn't seem terribly hot.
Am I missing something?
(Other than the ability to imagine temperatures in degrees #centigrade.) 🥥
Gizmodo: California Is in for a Long, Scalding Hot Week #nationalweatherservice #scalesoftemperature #excessiveheatwatch #meatindustry #environment #fahrenheit #scalding #celsius #weather #burns
#nationalweatherservice #scalesoftemperature #excessiveheatwatch #meatindustry #environment #fahrenheit #scalding #celsius #weather #burns
Gizmodo: A Heat Wave Is Roasting the Southwest This Week #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #skyharbor #heatwave
#environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #skyharbor #heatwave
There's a clever math trick to convert from Celsius to Centigrade without using a calculator…
#math #temperature #metric #imperial #Fahrenheit #Kelvin #one #Sweden
- - - -
#TruthBeTold = A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn’t true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies… or just for fun)
(PD image from Wikimedia commons)
#truthbetold #math #metric #kelvin #one #sweden #temperature #imperial #fahrenheit