Opinion: I can’t afford to pay parking tickets, so my car got towed. It upended my life https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-08-31/car-towed-unpaid-parking-tickets-california-los-angeles
#povertyisexpensive: The toll on my mental #health has hit me hard. From Day 1, I couldn’t be there for my daughter when she was in the #hospital. I’m unable to make the #income I need to #support my #family. Now I face losing my car and am buried in even greater #debt.
#InstitutionalizedPoverty #BrokenTaillightPolicing #ShreddedSafetyNet #HowTheLawFailsWomen #FailingTransit #sprawlscape
#povertyisexpensive #health #hospital #income #support #family #Debt #institutionalizedpoverty #brokentaillightpolicing #shreddedsafetynet #howthelawfailswomen #failingtransit #sprawlscape
#OutTheWindow: Safety concerns over #micromobility hazards to disabled, elderly, right of way, liability etc., aren’t imposed on cars. Also other #PublicPolicy goals to #ReduceVMT, congestion, crashes, #ResourceWars, #ClimateCrisis, unequal access to goods and services, energy insecurity, #FailingTransit, and domestic terrorism.
#outthewindow #micromobility #publicpolicy #reducevmt #resourcewars #climatecrisis #failingtransit