@Lorry hey, I won't say Stockhausen's music belongs in the new shiny glitter ball. HE ONLY INVENTED IT. Before he died, aka went back to his home, a planet orbiting the star Sirius. (Lest you think I'm just making a weird joke, he did claim that as his origin.)
But seriously, I would go hear some Stocky in the shiny glitter ball because it would be dope. Crazy narcissist or not, that dude made some intricate, glorious music.
Consider yourself officially #FairAndBalanced 😁
Aaargh, who let Karlheinz Stockhausen back into the #news and into this #Century? GET THEE BACK TO THE SEVENTIES!
I do like #shiny #glitter #balls though. Dammit.
I will tag @alisynthesis who will no doubt disagree with me; just so I can pretend to be #FairAndBalanced :)
#ElectronicMusic #Composer #Painful #Ears #Poor #Brain #NewYork
#NewYork #brain #poor #ears #painful #composer #electronicmusic #fairandbalanced #balls #glitter #shiny #century #News
CNN will downplay millions and millions of dollars to Republicans and attempt to make the case that a $35 donation to a Democrat means that #BothSidesAreBad
#FairAndBalanced my ass!
#fairandbalanced #bothsidesarebad
Love everything about this. #timelinecleanser #elephants #fairandbalanced
#timelinecleanser #elephants #fairandbalanced
Hahaha wow, that was fast! https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-friends-laugh-it-up-over-trump-telling-aoc-squad-to-leave-u-s/ #fairandbalanced #unlessyou'rebrown