Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
51 followers · 21 posts · Server mastodon.au

Fusion supports lowering the voting age to 16, with voting for 16- and 17-year-olds to be optional. Society has advanced and times have changed, and suffrage should adapt with the times.

Exhibit A: school students are affected by policies like this. Have our politicians properly consulted citizens and experts in the aim to create effective and evidence-based policy?


#fairandinclusive #votefusion #democracy #education #australia #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Fairphone · @Fairphone
6359 followers · 1248 posts · Server social.weho.st

Change is in your hands 🙌

RT @SBParis19@twitter.com

Reach the top to change the world @Clara_Gaymard@twitter.com

🐦🔗: twitter.com/SBParis19/status/1

#wisdomwednesday #sbparis19 #fairandinclusive

Last updated 6 years ago