Ara que s'apropa el moment en què molta gent agafa vacances i viatja, és un bon moment per explicar l'alternativa #Fairbnb.
És una #cooperativa europea amb la què cada vegada que pagues una estada, el 50% de la comissió es dedica a projectes de l'Economia Social i Solidària de la zona. A aquesta plataforma, no es permet d'oferir múltiples allotjaments sota la norma: one host = one home.
Estaria bé que alguns propietaris de #Mallorca es passin a aquesta opció ètica:
#fairbnb #cooperativa #mallorca
Les cadenes hoteleres, especialment les mallorquines, ignoren completament el #català segons posa de manifest la @llenguacat.
Tenim feina per fer: cal actuar des dels drets dels consumidors per acabar amb aquesta vulneració i alhora construir i enfortir alternatives al turisme de masses i de concentració capitalista. Per exemple: #Fairbnb. Coneixeu altres alternatives cooperativistes?
#Mallorca #Turisme #Melià #Barceló #Riu #Iberostar #Cooperativa
#catala #fairbnb #mallorca #turisme #melia #barcelo #riu #iberostar #cooperativa
Anyone stayed at a place before? I'm interested in what the experience is like - looks like it's not available over here yet, but it's more of a #European thing?
#european #travel #SustainableTravel #fairbnb #cooperative #community
I'm very interested in #Fairbnb, and if I had the time, I would help bring it to the US. Still, I wish they hadn't used a name that's so close to the platform they want to compete with.
@eliasp @SheDrivesMobility Ich habe weder das eine noch das andere bislang benutzt, weil ich kaum #reise.
Allerdings habe ich bereits von #fairbnb gehört. Das soll eine sozialere Alternative sein. 😊
Eigene Erfahrungen habe ich damit allerdings (noch) nicht
Non è certamente il periodo migliore per parlarne, ma esistono alternative etiche anche ad AirBnb. In questo articolo ne abbiamo selezionata qualcuna, se ne conoscete altre aspettiamo le vostre segnalazioni!
#alternative #airbnb #fairbnb --> LINK -->
🧳 Se avete la fortuna di poter andare in vacanza vi proponiamo qualche alternativa etica ad AirBnb!
#alternative #airbnb #booking #vacanze #fairbnb #bewelcome #sharewood #addiopizzo #17luglio
#booking #vacanze #fairbnb #bewelcome #sharewood #addiopizzo #alternative #airbnb #17luglio
He visto en #LaMarea que mencionan esta iniciativa, #FairBNB. Es una cooperativa que pretende ser una alternativa decente a #AirBNB, que con su funcionamiento pretende devolver parte de la riqueza al barrio, compensar parte del expolio. Veremos si arranca.
#turismo #airbnb #fairbnb #lamarea a community friendly alternative to airbnb #Fairbnb
#Fairbnb is a #platformcoop alternative to Airbnb.
It's going to be a zero commission platform for Hosts that will ask Guests and Travellers to crowdfund a social project in YOUR own neighbourhood when booking your flat/room/accommodation, on top of that (and only if you will feel comfortable with it) you will be able to voluntarily help your guest increase its donation.
If you want to join, pre-register your accomodation or neighbourhood social project now.
Part 3
These are some of the policies which have arisen organically out of local community struggles in many countries around the globe. We want to see projects like fairbnb build workers' and poor people's needs and protagonism in to the platform cooperative model from the start, to integrate movements for housing justice in the development of new cooperative approaches. Do you work with housing justice organizations? Is that something you would like to do more of?
Part One
Hi friends. We are interested in your project and share the goals of platform cooperativism, of which your project is an example. We have a few concerns.
What is your take on the question of regulation of short-term rentals? #fairbnb