PSA: #Fairphone now has replacement / spare parts for the #Fairbuds XL. Personally not in need of them, but nice knowing I won't need to replace my entire headset if say, the headband snaps in half like it did with my Surface Headphones and 3d prints are unsuccessful. Just €20 and a few days wait for delivery with Fairphone ❤️
Review 🧵 at
I still stand by all points in review. There has been no new firmware or app update since my review.
Initial impressions of #fairphone #Fairbuds XL 🧵
Ch 01: Sound Quality
Before going further, I will say that I recognize that what "sounds good" to one may not be the same for others. I am also not an audio engineer, so grain of salts and YMMV.
環保手機廠商 Fairphone 新產品 頭戴式耳機 Fairbuds XL 網上流出
專門生產公平貿易和環保手機的品牌 Fairphone 有傳會推出新產品,日前頭戴式無線耳機 Fairbuds XL 在網上流傳,相信會在短期內正式發表。有指 Fairphone Fairbuds XL 將會在歐洲市場率先上市,據說已經在部分網店上架,定價為 249 歐元(約 2,144 港元)。
The post 環保手機廠商 Fairphone 新產品 頭戴式耳機 Fairbuds XL 網上流出 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#音樂耳機 #Fairbuds XL #Fairphone