If there was some crypto ship to sail, and that is and will be bitcoin, the rest is useless scam, it has sailed long ago.
Now a days, you might flip some coin into bitcoin, but basically for staying up to date and maybe double the money. Anyone putting money he can't afford to loose, like not more than 5% of your cash, has no idea where this train is right now.
There is was one interesting idea, #faircoin something like that for kinda black wall street could be fun, but won't work either.
@capita_picat El fet de tindre una equitat que no te dona cap altra moneda ni el #euro ni el #faircoin ni #bitcoin.
Que tota moneda siga #capitalisme jo no estic d'acord, de igual forma que #software no es calitalisme si pot ser #softwarelliure
Al fi i al cap es el #comerç el que crea el problema ja que no vivim en un mon totalment abundant de recursos com proposava #TheVenusProject on es puguera eliminar aquest.
#thevenusproject #comerc #softwarelliure #software #capitalisme #bitcoin #faircoin #euro
@capita_picat crec que #faircoin no tenia cap diseny que no pogurra ser absorbit per el #capitalisme de fet la seua historia i funcionament estan bassats en una estructura vertical. Hi han alternatives molt millors cap a mon sense moneda que valen la pena estudiar. Ej les #monedeslliures com la #g1 amb moltissims mercats ja locals en #2022
#g1 #monedeslliures #capitalisme #faircoin
Em fan gràcia les discussions -entre gent "dels nostres"- sobre els diferents mètodes de fer funcionar les #criptomonedes.
Em sembla clar que cap funciona bé des d'una òptica que no sigui la capitalista, perquè és un maó més que sorgeix i està encastat en la piràmide tecnològica capitalista.
Fins i tot la moneda creada per evitar tots aquests problemes, la #faircoin, no en pot escapar.
Objectius fonamentals contradictoris, implementats en eines sobre les que no tenim sobirania.
Here’s my introductory piece on #cryptoanarchism and #crypto from an anarchist perspective.
Meant for laymen who somewhat or not familiar with crypto, I look at the ideology of crypto-anarchism and what uses can these technologies provide for alternative economies.
#faircoin #carboncoin #telekommunisten #faircoop #timebanking #bitcoin
#cryptoanarchism #crypto #faircoin #carboncoin #telekommunisten #faircoop #timebanking #bitcoin
Ya está disponible el libro *La cultura es libre: una historia de la resistencia antipropiedad* como libro impreso. Lo vendo por 15 € o su equivalente en FairCoin o Monero.
Bajo la perspectiva de los impulsores de #faircoin es legitimo vender en el mercado por debajo o muy por debajo del precio fijado por la asamblea?
¿Además de para ser donados entre colectivos he individuos de forma circular y ser aceptado como donación por simpatía al proyecto?
¿los #faircoin tienen algún otro uso?
Tinc aquests #Faircoin que voldria canviar a euros però no trobo on es pot fer.
No vull comprar res pagant amb ells.
@annika @soup_reviews check out #Faircoin, coop based crypto that is actually used as a currency and has driven off speculators for the most part
Ask & you shall receive!!
#justsaying I accept #faircoin BTW! #faircoop @lasalpujarras
#lulz #justsaying #faircoin #faircoop
Faircoin, la criptomoneda del Robin Hood catalán que "expropiaba" a los bancos para dárselo a los pobres https://www.eldiario.es/hojaderouter/internet/Faircoin-criptomoneda-Robin_Hood-Enric_Duran_0_382162478.html #Faircoin
Reminder: The Fair Ecosystem Gathering is starting these days. If you intend to participate in the FairHackathon, let us know you are coming https://wiki.fair.coop/en:tech:fairhackathon_2019 #stimier #faircoop #faircoin #holochain #socialpermaculture
#stimier #faircoop #faircoin #holochain #socialpermaculture
Don't miss the Fair Ecosystem Hackathon from May 31st to June 9th in Switzerland. We'll agree on a common roadmap for the next 2-3 years across many fair economy projects. https://fair.coop/de/blog/come-to-the-fairhackathon #faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
#faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
Don't miss the Fair Ecosystem Hackathon from May 31st to June 9th in Switzerland. We'll agree on a common roadmap for the next 2-3 years across many fair economy projects. https://fair.coop/de/blog/come-to-the-fairhackathon #faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
#faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
Pre-campaign for the future of Enric Duran’s exile | CoopFunding
https://coopfunding.net/campaigns/pre-campaign-for-the-future-of-enric-durans-exile/ Support Enric Duran's freedom campaign. #FairCoop #FairCoin
There is one blockchain that is not wasting energy by securing the cryptocurrencies through cooperation instead of competition. Intended for shifting society towards a cooperative, ecological economy: The 5 year old FairCoin https://fair.coop/en/blog/happy-green-bday-faircoin #bitcoin #energywaste #faircoin
#bitcoin #energywaste #faircoin
There is one blockchain that is not wasting energy by securing the cryptocurrencies through cooperation instead of competition. And it's intended use, too, is for shifting society towards a cooperative, ecological economy, which preserves the environment: The 5 year old FairCoin https://fair.coop/en/blog/happy-green-bday-faircoin #bitcoin #energywaste #PoC #faircoin
#bitcoin #energywaste #poc #faircoin
Ugh I am trying to buy #Faircoin with USD but it's actually frustratingly hard...