Here’s my introductory piece on #cryptoanarchism and #crypto from an anarchist perspective.
Meant for laymen who somewhat or not familiar with crypto, I look at the ideology of crypto-anarchism and what uses can these technologies provide for alternative economies.
#faircoin #carboncoin #telekommunisten #faircoop #timebanking #bitcoin
#cryptoanarchism #crypto #faircoin #carboncoin #telekommunisten #faircoop #timebanking #bitcoin
Inaccettabili falsificazioni – di Sergio Bologna e Andrea Fumagalli #Lavoro,precarietà,dirittieconflitti #Bio-capitalismocognitivo #composizionediclasse #TechWorkersCoalition #autorganizzazione #homepage-feature #generalintellect #AndreaFumagalli #CarloFormenti #SergioBologna #Precarietà #Faircoop #Mayday #SMArt #ACTa
#lavoro #bio #composizionediclasse #TechWorkersCoalition #autorganizzazione #homepage #generalintellect #andreafumagalli #carloformenti #sergiobologna #precarietà #faircoop #mayday #smart #acta
Ask & you shall receive!!
#justsaying I accept #faircoin BTW! #faircoop @lasalpujarras
#lulz #justsaying #faircoin #faircoop
Reminder: The Fair Ecosystem Gathering is starting these days. If you intend to participate in the FairHackathon, let us know you are coming #stimier #faircoop #faircoin #holochain #socialpermaculture
#stimier #faircoop #faircoin #holochain #socialpermaculture
Invitation to the St-Imier 2019 Gatherings, May 26 - June 12: fair economy and grassroots governance, tools and concepts #stimier #anarchism #socialpermaculture #faircoop
#stimier #anarchism #socialpermaculture #faircoop
Don't miss the Fair Ecosystem Hackathon from May 31st to June 9th in Switzerland. We'll agree on a common roadmap for the next 2-3 years across many fair economy projects. #faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
#faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
Don't miss the Fair Ecosystem Hackathon from May 31st to June 9th in Switzerland. We'll agree on a common roadmap for the next 2-3 years across many fair economy projects. #faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
#faircoop #faircoin #hackathon #stimier
Pre-campaign for the future of Enric Duran’s exile | CoopFunding Support Enric Duran's freedom campaign. #FairCoop #FairCoin
@ckohtala @tealturtle This is an overview of the #FairCoop ecosystem:
@tealturtle don't you have to be a #FairCoop member to get/use FairCoin in the FairCoop ecosystem?
Let's put in practice the principles defended by democratic confederalism everywhere we live, so that the struggle of the Kurdish people, becomes the struggle of all of us who believe in justice and freedom! #rojava #faircoop #RiseUp4Rojava
#rojava #faircoop #riseup4rojava
"...what will we do about the lazy people, those who will not work, the thieves and the criminals, those who steal what others have or produce? The anarchist answer is that we’ve been supporting such people for millennia. We call them the elites. When people work for themselves and with their fellows, without coercion or control and under reasonably promising circumstances, they do not tend to leach and steal from each other."
#FreedomCoop allows people to legally send invoices to companies within the EU, without having to be officially self-employed.
#faircoin #faircoop #freedomcoop
#SomMobilitat al #AplecTek d'Olot el la plaça Campdenmàs ara mateix. Amb #MesOpcions, #SomEnergia, #SostreCivic, #FairCoop, i molt més!
#faircoop #sostrecivic #somenergia #mesopcions #aplectek #sommobilitat
#SomMobilitat al #AplecTek d'Olot el la plaça Campdenmàs ara mateix. Amb #MesOpcions, #SomEnergia, #SostreCivic, #FairCoop, #Xartic, #OikoCredit i molt més!
#sommobilitat #aplectek #mesopcions #somenergia #sostrecivic #faircoop #xartic #oikocredit
FairCoin: A radical cryptocurrency alternative? #faircoop #faircoin
Come to Espace Noir in St-Imier this afternoon at 16h: We'll watch Commander Arian followed by meetings with Avin Sewaid of Kongreya Star, the confederation of women's organization's in #Rojava and Khawla Alissa Alhammoud, speaker of the women's council of #Raqqa! Don't miss that chance, see this #FairCoop blog post as an example of the relevance of #DemocraticConfederalism
#rojava #raqqa #faircoop #democraticconfederalism
Takeaways from FairCoop's fourth anniversary live streaming sessions: both progress and difficulties in this project need to be seen in proportion of the magnitude of this ambitious movement #faircoop