JupyterFAIR, a project funded by the #NWO #OpenScienceFund, was presented today at #FAIRDataday. Such a joy to see the results of this project and the level of interest from the community.
Really refreshing to hear "the proposal is publicly available via Zenodo if you would like to read the details. #opengrants #openscience
#NWO #OpenScienceFund #fairdataday #opengrants #openscience
Really enjoyed #FAIRDataday!
As noted by @martateperek team work was one of the main themes emerging from the #dutchdataprize. Need collaboration and diverse skill sets to make data #fair.
Made some comments about metrics (for data) that seemed to have resonated with colleagues. The research assessment system is moving towards qualitative assessment supported by responsible use of metrics. Let's not repeat the problems created by use of metrics without taking context into account.
#fairdataday #dutchdataprize #fair
Today, we were present at the #FairDataDay to discuss with data professionals about open science and fair data principles and the role of PhD candidates in this. Fruitful discussions about how to reach PhDs and the importance of data management, not only for PhD candidates.
What an inspiring call to action and to community-driven development by #SerkanGirgin #Twente today at the #fairdataday #JupyterFAIR
#serkangirgin #twente #fairdataday #jupyterfair
Sounds like a very interesting #FairDataDay you're having @martateperek ! 🙂
This comment stands out to me as particularly important. You need the support of people in #DataStewardship roles (#librarians #dataChampions #dataStewards) but you also need an understanding throughout your community about the importance of working towards #fair
#fair #DataStewards #datachampions #librarians #DataStewardship #fairdataday
Inspiring and actionable take home message from Kirsty Merrett #Bristol: The biggest impact you can have on #openscience & #fairdata is getting consent to share data. #fairdataday
#bristol #openscience #fairdata #fairdataday
RT @gravana@twitter.com
#FairDataDay Listening to @girgink@twitter.com presenting the @JupyterFAIR@twitter.com project funded by the @NWONieuws@twitter.com #OpenScienceFund. So refreshing to hear "the proposal is publicly available via @ZENODO_ORG@twitter.com if you would like to read the details. #opengrants #openscience
#openscience #opengrants #opensciencefund #fairdataday
And some very practical and crystal clear statements to include in consent forms #fairdataday
Wonderfully useful and practical lessons from Kirsty Merrett #BristolUni for enabling sharing of data from human participant research. Key is collaboration between data experts and research ethics committees. #fairdataday
Common thread in all the impressive pitches for the #dutchdataprize #fairdataday: you need teamwork and diversity of skills to make data #Fair
#dutchdataprize #fairdataday #fair
"Do data stewards feel appreciated at your institution?" #fairdataday - it seems like we have a lot work still to do. Crucial, in my view, that support staff are part of discussions about changing recognition and rewards system in academia.
Hear, hear:
"Downloads and views can also be very misleading for data. We need to understand the context of the contribution and what it means for that community, knowledge creation or the society at large" says @mariacruz #fairdataday Couldn't agree more
"We definitely don't want to have an H-index for data. Quality first. We shouldn't repeat the problems created by the journal publishing systems" - beautifully said by @mariacruz #fairdataday
Some controversial statements about data reuse #fairdataday - can you "buy" the motivation to make data #FAIR?
For good quality #syntheticdata you always need to have a content expert in your team. Says @shalini27 #fairdataday
Wonderful to see a full venue at our #fairdataday and so many familiar faces :)
Closing reflection from our #fairdataday keynote speaker @shalini27: "In God we trust. All others, bring data" :)
Wonderful kick off of the #Fairdataday by our keynote @shalini27: this is not about me, this about us! This is teamwork. Inspiring to hear our keynote speaker highlighting the value of teamwork from the start
On my way to the #FAIRDataDay! Work done in #ODISSEI will be presented in Workshop 6 “Harmonising Access Procedures for Sensitive Data.