No surprise that a person who supported the governments horrible #c18 legislation and the online streaming act, also supports directly taking away users #fairdealing rights under #cooyright.
Sigh. This government is making all the wrong decisions and are getting support for it the whole way.
#c18 #fairdealing #cooyright #cdnpoli #CDNmedia #fairuse
But what about #FairDealing (similar to #FairUse)? Linkletter argued that linking to a video that shows that Proctorio's assurances to parents and students about its products' benign nature were contradicted by the way it talked to educators was fair dealing. Fair dealing is a broad suite of limitations and exceptions to copyright for the purposes of commentary, criticism, study, satire, etc.
How to update copyright ©️: 🇳🇬 Nigeria shows the way for Africa – and the world - @glynmoody
#copyright #Africa #Nigeria #FairUse #FairDealing #OpenNorms
#opennorms #fairdealing #fairuse #nigeria #Africa #Copyright
#10yrsago Canada’s National Post pretends #FairDealing doesn’t exist, presents you with bill to copy a single word
#5yrsago A mechanical, wooden #TuringMachine
#5yrsago Florida students succeed where so many have failed, force state legislature to pass #GunControl rules despite ferocious #NRA lobbying
#10yrsago #fairdealing #5yrsago #turingmachine #guncontrol #nra
"These claims are grounded in multiple inaccuracies."
"While these claims have been repeated again and again for years, they simply do not withstand even mild scrutiny."
#copyright #fairdealing #fairdealingweek
I took a shot at making some fair use memes in preparation for a fair use related project. What do y'all think? Post your memes in the replies!
#fairuse #fairdealing #copyright
@chicagonz thanks! I dressed up as Poison Ivy a while ago to discuss #TM and #Copyright protection of characters, and the application of #FairUse / #FairDealing to #Cosplay which went down well!
#tm #copyright #fairuse #fairdealing #cosplay
@law #LawFedi Following the post above, in an act of shameless self-promotion I published an article on fanfiction earlier in 2022 - check out the article on my open access page:
I'm always interested in opinions about fanfiction - especially whether it should be permitted, but strictly non-commercial? And are there other issues with Real Person Fics?
#Copyright #FairDealing #Fanfiction #Fanfic #Pastiche #IP #IntellectualProperty
#lawfedi #copyright #fairdealing #fanfiction #fanfic #pastiche #ip #intellectualproperty
📬 Sci-Hub: Alexandra Elbakyan sieht in Verlagen Bedrohung für Fortschritt der Wissenschaft #EBooks #Rechtssachen #AlexandraElbakyan #ArulGeorgeScaria #fairdealing #HighCourtDelhi #SciHub #ShrutanjayaBhardwaj #SriyaSridhar
#SriyaSridhar #ShrutanjayaBhardwaj #scihub #HighCourtDelhi #fairdealing #ArulGeorgeScaria #alexandraelbakyan #Rechtssachen #ebooks
The Conservative Election Platform: Freedom of Expression Commitment Tainted By Support for Payments for Links, Restrictions on Fair Dealing - Michael Geist #elxn44 #CPC #Copyright #FairDealing #cdnpoli
#cpc #cdnpoli #elxn44 #copyright #fairdealing