Just a quick reminder about tonight's meeting on the #BraddockRoad improvement project. It's a chance to get updates, ask questions, and let your voice be heard. #FairfaxCounty #Virginia #VDOT
#braddockroad #fairfaxcounty #virginia #vdot
#FairfaxCounty #schoolBoard https://wjla.com/news/crisis-in-the-classrooms/harry-jackson-fairfax-school-board-candidate-was-arrested-three-times-for-assault-and-battery-of-wives-gop-student-with-autism-national-anthem-batterer-intervention-certificate-arlington-county-court-documents
They've been operating in #FairfaxCounty
#fairfaxva #fairfaxcounty
Do you like knobs?
#thicktrunktuesday #fairfaxva #fairfaxcounty
#stickoftheday #fungi
Squishy fungus
#stickoftheday #fungi #fairfaxcounty
Zach Lincoln
I'm so excited to announce I'm moderating
' At-Large School Board Endorsement Forum!
Join me + our 5 candidates this Saturday at http://ffxde.ms/forum #FairfaxCounty #SchoolBoard
RT @SalimVASenate
Proud to announce I was given the @MomsDemand Action Gun Sense Candidate seal today. Now let’s get an assault weapons ban passed in Virginia! #MomsDemand #TeamSalim #fairfaxcounty
#momsdemand #teamsalim #fairfaxcounty
”Murder-Suicide Suspected In Death Of 2 Found On Reston Trail: Police
Fairfax County detectives are investigating the death of two people found on a trail in Reston on Wednesday as a murder-suicide.“
#Reston #FairfaxCounty #Virginia
#reston #fairfaxcounty #virginia
Launching new @bikeshare ebikes today in DC, Fairfax County and Arlington County! First six of 45 were deployed to the Tysons Metro North station and are available for use #bikeshare #bikeva #fairfaxcounty
#bikeshare #bikeva #fairfaxcounty
I'm mostly retired now after careers in strategic communications and public affairs with the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Department of Defense, a U.S. intelligence agency, and a major U.S. defense contractor. I read a lot of news and lurk more than I post.
These days I spend time supporting and advocating for public libraries, and my wife and I enjoy biking on rail trails and canal towpaths. I have often shared photos from our various bike trips.
I live mostly in Northern Virginia but spend a fair amount of time in California.
#Communications #PublicAffairs #Defense #Intelligence #Navy
#Biking #Canals #Cycling #RailTrails #Towpaths
#FairfaxCounty #Virginia #OrangeCounty #California
#introduction #communications #publicaffairs #defense #intelligence #navy #libraries #biking #canals #cycling #railtrails #towpaths #fairfaxcounty #virginia #orangecounty #california
Chris Eberhart - Virginia school bus video shows student choking 7th-grader in bullying incident, mom says:
#StopBullyingSpeakUp #StopBullying #Bullying #ISpeakUp #SpeakUp #FairfaxCounty #PublicSchools #SchoolViolence #AbusiveBehavior #WhereAreTheParents #Darkness
#darkness #WhereAreTheParents #AbusiveBehavior #SchoolViolence #publicschools #fairfaxcounty #SpeakUp #ISpeakUp #bullying #stopbullying #StopBullyingSpeakUp
As an analogy of #rva to #washingtonDC, #BonAirVA is #fallschurch, while #midlothian is the #fairfax / #fairfaxcounty ... And #shortpump is #bethesda / #rockvillemd ... There is some dysfunction between these somewhat overlapping municipalities. #chesterfieldCounty and #henrico and Richmond city proper are all part of greater #rva like the #dmv is one place or several depending on how you look at it.
#rva #washingtondc #bonairva #fallschurch #midlothian #fairfax #fairfaxcounty #shortpump #bethesda #rockvillemd #chesterfieldcounty #henrico #dmv
In my newly copious unscheduled time, I’ve been working with Margaret Chatham on invasives removal at #TNC #TheNatureConservancy 's Fraser Preserve, at the tippy-top north end of #FairfaxCounty. Last week and today we focused on turning #RosaMultiflora stems into brush piles. The snow didn’t slow us down much, but my dogs did get a bit frosty.
#tnc #thenatureconservancy #fairfaxcounty #rosamultiflora
RT @AnneWiegard@twitter.com
@FfxIndivisible@twitter.com @ffxnow@twitter.com @fcpsnews@twitter.com @4publicedva@twitter.com As a former decades-long resident of #FairfaxCounty, I am greatly disturbed and saddened to see the pernicious influence of the @FairfaxTimes@twitter.com newspaper. @FCC@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnneWiegard/status/1617199024603381762
#Virginia voters! You have three special elections TOMORROW, TUESDAY, JAN 10th!
Vote for Aaron Rouse, Jade Harris, Holly Seibold!
#VABeach #FairfaxCounty #SpecialElections #SpecialElection
#DemCast #DemCastVA #Harris4VA #PostcardsToVoters #VoteBlueVA #RouseForSenate
#JadeHarris4VA #Siebold4VA #NorfolkVA #BuenaVistaVA #LexingtonVA #AugustaCountyVA #BathCountyVA #RockbridgeCountyVA #AmherstCountyVA #ViennaVA #OaktonVA
#virginia #vabeach #fairfaxcounty #specialelections #specialelection #DemCast #DemCastVA #harris4va #postcardstovoters #voteblueva #rouseforsenate #jadeharris4va #siebold4va #norfolkva #buenavistava #lexingtonva #augustacountyva #bathcountyva #rockbridgecountyva #amherstcountyva #viennava #oaktonva
RT @ncrainbowgrrl@twitter.com
Hey #Virginia voters! You have a couple of #special #elections ! One is TUESDAY, JAN 10! #VaBeach #FairfaxCounty
#DemCast #DemCastVA https://twitter.com/MissLynneNYC/status/1611819184421314561
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ncrainbowgrrl/status/1612448976695070725
#virginia #special #elections #vabeach #fairfaxcounty #demcast #demcastva
@bentomn @jeridansky I've been wondering if local agencies, etc. won't realize they need to join here. A hashtag for the specific locality would be great. I follow #FairfaxCounty Fire, animal shelter, etc. on Instagram now as I'm totally off Twitter. I'm bugging them on Instagram to come here too.
@bentomn @jeridansky I've been wondering if local agencies, etc. won't realize they need to join here. A hashtag for the specific locality would be great. I follow #FairfaxCounty Fire, animal shelter, etc. on Instagram now as I'm totally off Twitter. I'm bugging them on Instagram to come here too.