#GrandAv news: Major grant to
help our local businesses to thrive. #FairHaven #NewHaven #NHV
#grandav #fairhaven #newhaven #nhv
Great Community Dining Out Night at Salsa Authentic Mexican Restaurant last night. #CommunityDevelopment #food #economicdevelopment what more could you ask for? #FairHaven #NewHaven #NHV #CSNA
#communitydevelopment #food #economicdevelopment #fairhaven #newhaven #nhv #csna
Save the Date: Community Dining Out Night! Skip cooking and have dinner with family, friends & neighbors at Salsa's Mexican Restaurant. Meet new people, visit with your neighbors, enjoy great food, and support a local business. This is a...
https://chathamsquare.ning.com/events/community-dining-out-night-256 #FairHaven #NewHaven #NHV
Finally, some good writing for the Doctor.
#AllStarTrek #VOY #StarTrek #FairHaven
#AllStarTrek #VOY #startrek #fairhaven
"One more thing....delete the wife." OMG. 😂
#AllStarTrek #VOY #startrek #fairhaven
MassDEP fined owner of Trawler Capt. Carl, based in #NorthCarolina, $10,465 for discharging oiled bilge water into #NewBedford Harbor near #Fairhaven https://tinyurl.com/3jme5cev
#northcarolina #newbedford #fairhaven
Today, #MassDot Secretary Gina Fiandaca and Highway Admin @JLGulliver helped cut the ribbon on the new shining tides mile of the Mattapoisett Rail Trail. This $6.6M project is part of the south coast bike network which connects #Fairhaven, #Mattapoisett, #Marion & #Wareham
#massdot #fairhaven #mattapoisett #marion #wareham
Art, theatre #LongWharfTheatre, Mamas & Mimosas plus #FairHaven Day too. Get the details at #GNHCommunity. #CFGNH #GrtNewHaven #NewHaven #NHV http://gnhcommunity.ning.com/events
#longwharftheatre #fairhaven #gnhcommunity #cfgnh #grtnewhaven #newhaven #nhv
Highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum). Each of these many lovely flowers will become a berry! These are on the north side of the house where they get some morning and afternoon sun.
#NativePlants #Blueberry #Fairhaven #Massachusetts #NewEngland #SouthcoastMA #Garden
#nativeplants #blueberry #fairhaven #massachusetts #newengland #southcoastma #garden
Broxo and I at the F*cken Wimdy beach on my 65th birthday yesterday.
#WestIsland #Fairhaven #Massachusetts #Beach #Wimdy #Birthday #dog #MiniAustralianShepherd #Mastodog
#westisland #fairhaven #massachusetts #beach #wimdy #birthday #dog #miniaustralianshepherd #mastodog
On #EarthDay I bought myself a reel lawn mower! No fossil fuel required, no pollution, no noise. Plus exercise!
My lawn areas are small and the front lawn I'm converting into a native plant landscape.
#earthday #fairhaven #massachusetts #lawn #ClimateChange
Today I added a little Beach Plum (Prunus maritima) to my front yard, which I'm turning native. It will probably be years before I see plums, though.
#massachusetts #fairhaven #newengland #nativeplants #garden
Riverside Cemetery in #Fairhaven #Massachusetts was created in 1850 by Warren Delano II, the grandfather of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. An early "rural" or "garden style" cemetery, it is a favorite walking place. It was modeled after Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA. These are from this morning's walk.
#fairhaven #massachusetts #southcoastma #cemetery #garden #delano #roosevelt
Just a note. I appear as the local history expert in #Fairhaven #Massachusetts on Season 2, Episode 1 of "Houses With History" on HGTV and Discovery+
The title is of the show is "The One With Mark Twain."
It was a misty spring morning on the shore of Buzzards Bay at West Island in #Fairhaven #Massachusetts. The WWII watch tower has stood near the shore since the 1940s.
#Beach #dog #Mastodog #MiniAussie #MiniAustralianShepherd #SouthcoastMA #NewEngland #BuzzardsBay
#fairhaven #massachusetts #beach #dog #mastodog #miniaussie #miniaustralianshepherd #southcoastma #newengland #buzzardsbay
It's #plover nesting season on the shores of #Massachusetts. On our walk on #WestIsland in #Fairhaven we passed several areas fenced off to protect the birds.
#plover #massachusetts #westisland #fairhaven
The #Fairhaven #NewBedford bridge on US-6 is currently stuck in the open position and the bridge is closed in both directions. Seek alt route in the area.
I just cannot imagine there is a #dog in the world who is better than my little guy.
#MiniAussie #MiniAutralianShepherd #Mastodog #Saltmash #Beach #Fairhaven #Massachusetts
#dog #miniaussie #miniautralianshepherd #mastodog #saltmash #beach #fairhaven #massachusetts
Yet another #dog on #beach photo. West Island in #Fairhaven #Massachusetts
#SouthcoastMA #FairhavenMA #MiniAussie #MiniAustraliamSheopherd
#dog #beach #fairhaven #massachusetts #southcoastma #fairhavenma #miniaussie #miniaustraliamsheopherd
Wednesday is a walking day with Broxo at the town beach at #WestIsland in #Fairhaven #Massachusetts. He played with some of his dog friends, but at first it was just the two of us.
#MiniAussie #dog #MiniAustralianShepherd #Beach #FairhavenMA #SouthcoastMA
#westisland #fairhaven #massachusetts #miniaussie #dog #miniaustralianshepherd #beach #fairhavenma #southcoastma