#VideoGamesUnite! It's clear that the government's decision on the Microsoft acquisition could have a lasting impact on the UK economy. But Sony's attempts to sabotage the bid are misguided and downright unfair. We urge the government to make a fair decision and allow this deal to go through, safeguarding thousands of jobs! #MicrosoftTakeover #JobSecurity #FairnessMatters #StopSonySabotage http://www.techmeme.com/230208/p8#a230208p8
#videogamesunite #microsofttakeover #jobsecurity #fairnessmatters #stopsonysabotage
'Survival of the richest': Inequity is iniquitous
How do you stop giving more to those people with the most and taking more from those with the least?
#ChangeTheSystem #FairnessMatters
#changethesystem #fairnessmatters