Just refused the 3rd PhD examination this year in line with the #MAB (assessment boycott). Feeling terrible for the students, and my stressed colleagues who are trying to sort out vivas 😰Hoping against all odds that #UCEA are going to see the light eventually. @ucu @academicsunite #UCU #ichBinHanna #UCURising #FairPayForFairWork
#mab #ucea #ucu #IchbinHanna #ucuRISING #fairpayforfairwork
Just in case you had any doubts about #UCEA and its continued pretence that they're ready and willing to find a solution to the funding crisis in HE, here's their chief, aka VC of Aberdeen, demanding 'maximum pain' for staff participation in #UCU's #MarkingAndAssessmentBoycott.
#ucea #ucu #markingandassessmentboycott #ucurising #fairpayforfairwork