Da ich jetzt nach meiner Bestellung bei Fairphone irgendwelche Codes bekommen habe, die aber wahrscheinlich nicht nutzen werde, teile ich die mal hier. Evtl. sind die ja bei jemandem von Nutzen.
Code 1 (29.95 €) 044b-909f-458d
Code 2 (4.95 €) 044b-d871-4a04
Einzulösen wahrscheinlich im Fairphone Onlineshop: https://shop.fairphone.com/de
Came across this beautifull modular laptop concept, where you can swap, customize an repair your own laptop. It's a bit like #fairphone , but fully opensource and you can choose your own OS (Linux).
It even has AMD Ryzen.... I now only need to do some savings 💶
Je vois passer des articles sur le #fairphone 5 qui a été annoncé récemment. De belles avancées, une nouvelle version qui se rapproche du marché et une fabrication plus responsable que jamais (https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2023/08/30/on-a-teste-le-fairphone-5-un-smartphone-ecoresponsable-enfin-convaincant_6187064_4408996.html).
Mais au final, il reste quand même plus intéressant écologiquement de privilégier le reconditionné non ?
@retronianne I order a transparent backcover with my Fairphone 5? Seeing the hardware within the phone. Does that sort of count?
#transparent #translucent #fairphone #retro
#Fairphone keeps on being massively impressive value.
Real-life durability and longevity.
Fairphone 5 comes with a Removable Battery and SD Card. 📱🔋📷💾 #Fairphone5 #Fairphone #Android
This device bridges the gap between the past and present and sets a new standard for smartphone sustainability and longevity.
#fairphone5 #fairphone #android
Fairphone5 is the next big thing (It's already but with improved specs). You buy now and get updates until 2031 that's tremendous.
5 years of warranty!
#fairphone #fairphone5 #tech #sustainable
#Fairphone 5 is here!
https://shop.fairphone.com/de/fairphone-5 and the Guardian reviews it favourably
#android #fairphone users, another set of questions for you:
Right now I miss three things coming from iOS: waking up on phone pickup, not needing to tap ok after inserting the pin, and moving the carriage by holding the space button. Can I have them?
Ich brauche kein neues #fairphone.
Ich nutze mein Nokia 3210 seit 20 Jahren und fahre gut damit.
@gerrit @WeAreFairphone Fpr #fairphone 3 und 4 gibt es ein Ubuntu, habe aber noch keine Erfahrungen damit.
Spannendes Interview zum Thema #Fairphone und dem #RightToRepair
Werde auch weiterhin beim #FP3 inkl. @murena bleiben, eine stabile und gute Kombi.
Mal schauen ob ich sie solange sinnvoll nutzen werde können, wie mein #Thinkpad #X201 mit #Manjaro ....
#fairphone #righttorepair #fp3 #thinkpad #x201 #manjaro
Solche Ansätze gehören von vielen Konsumenten unterstützt, damit sich in der Produktion und im Geschäftsmodell von Herstellern etwas ändert. #Nachhaltigkeit #Fairphone
ok #android #fairphone people, I say "best Android camera app with manual settings, can be not-free", and you say?
Trajnostni telefon #Fairphone je vsaj po prvih vtisih v peti generaciji končno tak, da se ga ne bi branil niti zahtevnejši uporabnik.
After the #Fairphone5 was announced one week ago, the :FPA: #Fairphone Community has been busy assembling some resources/lists:
FP5 Resellers
Reviews/press articles about the FP5
Available operating systems for the FP5
Be sure to check regularly as those lists are bound to be extended over time.
And of course also check for upcoming community events at https://events.fairphone.community
#fairphone5 #fairphone #wearefairphone
It's still crazy that the Fair Phone will receive Android updates upto Android 18 with security updates upto 2031 and aaand a whooping 5 yr warranty.
I think this is a game changer for those who love to keep their devices for a little bit longer.
Somit wird #IodeOS von #iodé eines der Ersten (ich denke neben /e/OS) custom ROMs auf dem #Fairphone5 von #fairphone sein
#IodeOS #iode #Fairphone5 #fairphone
Et merdre, #Fairphone c'est fini : la garantie est toujours plus courte, et maintenant ils l'a font payé en sus... Par contre il fait de meilleur selfies...