Exciting news about the @Fairphone #FairPhone5 !
My #FairPhone4 is more than enough for me, so I won't invest in a new device. But I hope more ppl will join the community with this new model.
A review in #French:
#french #fairphone4 #Fairphone5
Gizmodo: The Modular Fairphone 5 Is Good, but It's Still No Repairable iPhone https://gizmodo.com/fairphone-5-hands-on-modular-smartphone-repair-1850776824?utm_source=regular #samsungelectronics #modularsmartphones #technologyinternet #modularsmartphone #repairability #mobilephone #smartphones #fairphone4 #smartphone #fairphone #samsung #iphone #apple #shift #e
#samsungelectronics #modularsmartphones #technologyinternet #modularsmartphone #repairability #mobilephone #smartphones #fairphone4 #smartphone #fairphone #samsung #iphone #apple #shift #e
I was really excited about the #Fairphone4, but not so much about the #Fairphone5. I guess the idea of having a super phone (FP4) is good enough 🤓️
But it's a bit sad that they didn't make at least some of the parts (batteries, screen, camera) cross compatible with FP4.
Si tuviera que recomendar la compra de un móvil en este mismo momento sería el #Fairphone4 con #DivestOs
Sin embargo, con la cantidad de teléfonos #móviles que están por llegar para este último trimestre de 2023 pues me esperaría a lo que ofrecen el Pixel 8, el Huawei Mate60 pro, el iPhone 15 o el propio Fairphone 5
#fairphone4 #divestos #moviles
Systemupdate SP2J.B.086 für das Fairphone4 ist da.
@simon_brooke @skyfaller @hexmasteen @Fairphone What's the battery/environmental cost of listening (streaming?) music on a phone in the first place? How significant is the cost of bluetooth vs jack in comparison?
I don't know, genuine question. And I love my #Fairphone4.
I know this is a music type instance but I wanted to ask if there are any #Fairphone4 users or any #Fairphone users
#Askfedi #AskMastodon #FairphoneCommunity #Android #eOS #Privacy
#privacy #eos #android #fairphonecommunity #askmastodon #askfedi #fairphone #fairphone4
@Flux I love that my #fairphone4 is supported for so long AND can easily be repaired as well as the battery replaced etc
#mobilephone #technology #RepairRecycleReuse
#fairphone4 #mobilephone #technology #repairrecyclereuse
I want to get comfortable carrying a non Apple device but I want to keep using Apple as my primary personal data provider.
I don’t want to just switch to Googleverse; and while the #Fairphone4 looks like the closest thing to what I’m available to try in a non-iPhone I don’t want to go whole hog.
The #Fairphone (or maybe the #Pinephone) will be my “on call” phone, and I’ll try to start leaving my iPhone at home…
#fairphone4 #fairphone #pinephone
#fairphone4 #Fairphone3Plus #nachaltigkeit
Schon lustig, dass mein Fairphone 3+ jetzt auf Android 13 aktualisiert wurde, während mein Fairphone 4 immer noch Android 12 hat. Muss man nicht verstehen 🤨
#fairphone4 #fairphone3plus #nachaltigkeit
I am able to add more storage if I want to in my #Fairphone4 and I am able to exchange the battery like the good ole days!!!!
Great job #Fairphone
@bebatjof You could go for an Android phone for which an alternative, non-Google firmware is available. That way, once you are ready to switch, you at least wouldn't need new hardware.
While I don't have a list of phone models ready, one qualifying phone that I do know about is #Fairphone4. (I own one, though I'm using it with stock Android.) There seem to be several firmware options (Android-based and others), some of them even as an option when buying the phone: https://www.reddit.com/r/fairphone/comments/128tooq/list_of_all_aosp_custom_roms_alternative_oss_for/