I tried tha game before, when there was just a demo and I see how game is becomming better. So, kudos to
@maxim for an amazing job and wish you an astounding success!
#myindiegameofthemonth July'23 was once again from #Ukraine - #ErraExordium by #fairpixel (https://www.fairpixel.com/) who are 4 people including programmer @maxim whos Mastodon account I can link here 😀
It's a 2D adventure platformer in Dieselpunk setting, but with a twist. The game had Demo on steam and early access, so you can already buy it and play at least few hours.
#reviews #glukoreview #gamedev #gaming #indiegames #madewithunity #укргеймдев #ігробуд
#myindiegameofthemonth #ukraine #erraexordium #fairpixel #reviews #glukoreview #gamedev #gaming #indiegames #madewithunity #укргеймдев #ігробуд
#ErraExordium - неочікувано шикарна #гра від української студії #FairPixel. Атмосфера просочується просто з кожної шпаринки - унікальний світ шумерського дизельпанку. Звісно, є українська локалізацїя. Треба брати однозначно! Додаємо до бажаного, ставимо вподобайки на Стімі і стежимо за розробкою. Демка тут - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1224030/Erra_Exordium/