Wim Van Mierlo · @wvmierlo
120 followers · 231 posts · Server zirk.us

@Sheril πŸ€‘ American Exceptionalism β€” where you pay the highest price for average healthcare products & services.

The big robbery.

#healthcare #healthcarethieves #healthcareindustry #pricegouging #ripoff #fairpricing

Last updated 2 years ago

Brandon Mann :TheCDN2: · @BrandonM
34 followers · 392 posts · Server thecanadian.social


Cell Phone Bills Too High

Is there something Mastadonions can do to get behind this effort?! If more can be done to reduce our bills across the country, let's jump on board and DO something about them. Petition? hue and cry? We don't bitch enough about things; maybe it's time we started!!

#canadian #reducecanadiancellbills #fairpricing #corporategreed

Last updated 2 years ago