Wir haben einen #FairShare – unsere Führungsetagen sind geschlechtergerecht besetzt.
Vorständin @staranov macht deutlich, dass geschlechtergerechte Repräsentation in Führung mit einem #Kulturwandel einhergehen muss, der Raum für persönliche Entwicklung schafft.
#America’s #workers deserve their #fairshare of #economic gains
#america #workers #fairshare #economic
Per quanto riguarda il tema del #fairshare (se, cioè, bisogna modificare la normativa europea delle telecom per consentire alle grandi Telco di imporre una tassa Internet su certe piattaforme online) l’Italia frena, discostandosi dalla posizione più entusiasta del precedente governo, dove però chi dettava la linea Telecom era Colao, ex CEO di Vodafone https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/interview/italys-digital-state-secretary-defines-senders-pay-initiative-premature/
Inspired (or perhaps provoked is a better word) by the #fairshare debate, I wanted to put together a more comprehensive picture (actually a map) of global CDN infrastructure. Here it is https://opentelecomdata.org/cdns/
Data sources available on Github.
View(s) from the office(s) today. #supportlocalagriculture
#EarthCare #PeopleCare #FairShare #Cooperatives #hawaii #Agriculture #tropics
#supportlocalagriculture #earthcare #peoplecare #fairshare #cooperatives #hawaii #agriculture #tropics
#Permakultur heißt Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Bei der #Klimaliste möchten wir diese Form der Landwirtschaft unterstützen, da sie u. a. zu mehr #Gemeinwohl in der Gesellschaft beitragen kann.
Im neuen Blogbeitrag "Warum wir durch mehr Permakultur nicht nur die Klimakrise beenden könnten" geht es darum, wie uns das Konzept für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau auch bei anderen drängenden gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Problemen nutzen kann.
#permakulturgarten #earthcare #peoplecare #fairshare #klimagerechtigkeitjetzt #earthcarepeoplecarefairshare#systemchangenotclimatechange #resilienz #sozialökologischetransformation
#permakultur #klimaliste #Gemeinwohl #permakulturgarten #earthcare #PeopleCare #fairshare #KlimagerechtigkeitJetzt #earthcarepeoplecarefairshare #resilienz #sozialokologischetransformation
#EU #BigTelcos #FairShare #NetNeutrality #EC: "In a fight between the big tech companies and the internet provider giants, it can be very tempting to not care who wins and loses. However, in the case of the ISPs' "fair share" proposals, ISP victory would mean undermining one of the very foundations of the internet—net neutrality.
After the European Commission held a public consultation on whether they should adopt what they call a “fair share” proposal, they unfortunately voted to move forward with this dangerous plan. This proposal is nothing but a network usage fees regime, which would force certain companies to pay internet service providers (ISPs) for their ability to deliver content to consumers. This idea not only hurts consumers, but also breaks a status quo that facilitated and continues to facilitate the rapid spread of the global internet. Accordingly, we filed comments that called for the European Commission to abandon this completely unfair idea altogether."
#eu #bigtelcos #fairshare #netneutrality #ec
Poslední Krátké vlny před prázdninovou pauzou. O #fairshare, správních deliktech a plošnosti, která zabíjí profesionální státní správu, na blogu CZ.NIC a Lupě.
They’re SO rich, they don’t even feel it!
These are the people who need to pay their fair share throughout America — those who have benefited most from its liberties, choices, capitalism & private property ownership!!
A picture is worth a thousand words?
Then put two pictures together and they seem to tell an entire story!
I am wondering how many times Breton has met with #telco CEOs and how many times with civil society or consumer organisations? I guess this meeting today is for damage control after 18 member states have delivered a blow to the #fairshare proposal last week! #netneutrality
#telco #fairshare #netneutrality
Vittorio Colao, sostenitore del contributo #fairshare ( cioè quel meccanismo in base al quale Google & Co dovrebbero pagare un dazio alle telecoms) ed attualmente membro del board di #Verizon, incontrerà Margaret #Vestager (il commissario europeo alla concorrenza) nella sua qualità di “ex ministro” 😜
US telecom regulator throws his weight behind EU senders-pay initiative https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/us-telecom-regulator-throws-his-weight-behind-eu-senders-pay-initiative/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #5G #BrendanCarr #fairshare #FederalCommunicationsCommission
#5g #brendancarr #fairshare #federalcommunicationscommission
RT @echo_pbreyer
🇩🇪D. geplante #FairShare-#Datenmaut ist eine Bedrohung für die Freiheit des Internets & den Datenschutz. Mit einer breiten Allianz fordere ich ein Ende dieser gefährlichen Pläne & stattdessen Investitionen in den Ausbau von Infrastruktur & Datensicherheit: https://netzpolitik.org/2023/geldregen-fuer-internet-provider-breite-allianz-warnt-vor-datenmaut/
Telecoms stakeholders look to sector reset amid declining profits https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/telecoms-stakeholders-look-to-sector-reset-amid-declining-profits/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUtelecommunications #fairshare #telecomoperators
#eutelecommunications #fairshare #telecomoperators
Oggi sono intervenuto all’evento del #topix, nella splendida cornice del #Camera, il centro italiano per la fotografia. Si è parlato di #fairshare e della consultazione europea sul futuro di Internet. Ottimo aver potuto incontrare #vittoriobertola ed il suo libro
#topix #camera #fairshare #vittoriobertola
NGOs, streamers join forces against EU Commission’s senders-pay initiative https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/ngos-streamers-join-forces-against-eu-commissions-senders-pay-initiative/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #BEREC #fairshare #networkfee #senderspay #telecom
#berec #fairshare #networkfee #senderspay #telecom
How EU Network Fees Would Hit SMEs Disproportionately Hard [Promoted content] https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/opinion/how-eu-network-fees-would-hit-smes-disproportionately-hard/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #clouds #fairshare #NetworkFees
#clouds #fairshare #networkfees
« The @KlimaSeniorin Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti comments: ”The fact that my country is acting in such a way on such an essential issue – the protection of human rights in light of unfolding climate breakdown– completely amazes me.'
#CarbonBudget #FairShare #ClimateTrials »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1651953321416982530
#CarbonBudget #fairshare #ClimateTrials
« As #Switzerland couldn’t deliver, the @KlimaSeniorin decided to do the calculations. Result: the budget will be exhausted within 7 years.
👉 So from 2030 onwards #Switzerland would in effect steal other countries’ carbon budget by going above their #fairshare of emissions 🤯 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1651953319802200066