Bought some NFC Tags to play with. First use case: linking to favourites recipes rather than searching through recipe bookmarks. Now looking for an attractive way to organise them...
#FairyBootFarm goes high-tech 😂
I bought a pack of NFC tags to play with. First use case: linking to favourite recipes instead of searching through my recipe bookmarks file. Now looking for a nice system to store/organise them... #FairyBootFarm low-tech 😂
Having fun using #Excalidraw in #Obsidian to create garden planting maps at #FairyBootFarm. I'm also using a simple dataview query to automate planting and harvesting logs. So much fun! #PKM
#excalidraw #obsidian #fairybootfarm #pkm
Got some gorgeous garlic in the ground at #FairyBootFarm today. Beautiful bulbs of Purple Stripe garlic.
Pumpkin harvest at #FairyBootFarm - 12kg from one vine. These are Potimarron pumpkins which supposedly have a chestnut flavour.
Wine-making messes at #FairyBootFarm. The Greek Yoghurt strainer is doing double duty as a hawthorn wine strainer today.
Discovered that what I'd fondly imagined to be dandelions along the #FairyBootFarm driveway are actually Catsear (Hypochaeris radicata). So much for Dandelion Wine!
Spent a glorious autumn afternoon picking Hawthorn berries, an activity my partner likes to think of as 'being very Thomas Hardy'. Result: 1.8kg of berries ready to make into Hawthorn wine at #FairyBootFarm.
Today we finally housed 1000 composting worms into an old chest freezer at #FairyBootFarm. Turning a chest freezer into a worm farm had its challenges!! The garage will also house a flock of chickens which will hopefully keep the temperature up in winter.
One #FairyBootFarm pumpkin's growth rate - Monday to Saturday. This thing grows Faster Than a Cannonball!
The bees' ministrations have been successful! Here's hoping for pumpkin soup this winter at #FairyBootFarm.
As I refine the process of making Greek yoghurt, I'm also learning about #whey (free by-product). This week I used it on my tomato plants, as a hair rinse, and in a Brazilian Fish Stew recipe. It's liquid gold - and did I mention it's free?! Learning new things at #FairyBootFarm.