GaymerGeek · @GaymerGeek
396 followers · 801 posts · Server

There is a fairy called the Cat Sith. It was in the shape of a cat. People would leave offerings to them, so they did not take the dead when someone passed away. When someone died, they would make sure no cats were around as it could be the Cat Sith in disguise

#fairytaletuesday #cats #fairylore #scottishfolklore

Last updated 1 year ago

GaymerGeek · @GaymerGeek
390 followers · 777 posts · Server

Blodeuwedd was a woman in welsh mythology that was turned into the flowers of broom, meadowsweet and oak by the magicians Math and Gwydion as punishment for having an affair and trying to kill her husband.

#fairytaletuesday #folklore #welshfolklore #mythology

Last updated 1 year ago

Kirasha Urqhart · @kirasha
69 followers · 152 posts · Server
Jürgen Hubert · @juergen_hubert
2096 followers · 3831 posts · Server

Since lots of new people have arrived from recently:

If any of you are from the , , , or crowds, let's connect!

I am still around here, and post about German daily!

#twitter #mythologymonday #fairytaletuesday #wyrdwednesday #faustianfriday #folklore

Last updated 1 year ago

E. Ardincaple · @e_ardincaple
272 followers · 644 posts · Server

"It is by loving, and not by being loved, that one can come nearest the soul of another." —George MacDonald, Phantastes

🎨 of "Beauty and the Beast" by Kinuko Y. Craft

#fairytaletuesday #fairytale #beautyandthebeast #art #illustration

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria Audley · @vcaudley
316 followers · 480 posts · Server

Spring actually figures prominently in Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen - fitting for the change of seasons.

It's a long winter after the Snow Queen takes Kay away, and Gerda sets out on her quest to find him again in the following spring.

After she finds him again, "Kay and Gerda walked on, hand in hand, and wherever they went they found the most delightful spring and blooming flowers."

#fairytaletuesday #hanschristianandersen #thesnowqueen #fairytales #spring #equinox

Last updated 2 years ago

Wu Yuansheng · @admin
21 followers · 7594 posts · Server

RT OGOMProject: BRIGID (Brigit /Bríg): Irish Goddesss of Spring beloved of poets, healers and smiths. She has been depicted as a triptych, and her name interpreted as a title. Associated with Saint Brigid, whose feast day is Imbolc (1st Feb.).
(🖼: \@MaskHelen)

#fairytaletuesday #gothicspring

Last updated 2 years ago

E. Ardincaple · @e_ardincaple
107 followers · 286 posts · Server

It's and the theme is folklore from Ireland, so I'm sharing my retelling of the myth of Lí Ban, the Irish princess who became a mermaid — and a saint.

It's a strange and very ancient story, with a few surprising similarities to Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Little Mermaid!

Free access:

📸 The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen, Denmark. Photo by lachrimae72.

#fairytaletuesday #folklore #mermaid #myth #legend #fairytale #ancient #saint #ireland

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria Audley · @vcaudley
309 followers · 433 posts · Server

Today's theme is Hans Christian Andersen, so I'm sharing Ether & Ichor's episode about him from last year's fairytale season.

In the episode, we talked about two of my favourites of his: The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen. We decided my other favourite, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, would wait for another episode.

(🎨 : Kay Nielsen)

#fairytaletuesday #fairytales #hanschristianandersen

Last updated 2 years ago

Gothic Girl · @VictorianGothik
420 followers · 116 posts · Server

Beware of the Harz Mountains! The woods there have long been associated with all sorts of folktales and superstitions, and are the setting for Frederick Marryat's story 'The White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains' (1839) 1/6

#fairytaletuesday #gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @TweetsMythos
The Cockatrice is a serpentine creature often described as having two legs and the head of a rooster. Sharing similarities to a basilisk, and possibly originating from the same legends, the Cockatrice is able to kill with its gaze and poisonous breath.


Last updated 2 years ago

Priscilla Hernandez · @yidneth
4 followers · 6 posts · Server

"Snow White and Rose Red" (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot) is a German fairytale which best-known version is Brothers Grimm's in 1818. Two sisters, one fair haired and shy, the other dark haired and outspoken are visited by a bear seeking shelter...
📷 Me and my friend Kelly

#fairytales #fairytaletuesday

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Morales · @Anaisni
214 followers · 573 posts · Server

Ipuin bikaina, eta "Coraline"-ren aurrekaria⏬ - Lucy Clifford's twisted fantasy 'The New Mother' (1882) centres on sisters Blue-Eyes & the Turkey, named after events in their infant years. The story follows their descent into chaos & tragedy as they strive to impress a stranger in the woods

#fairytaletuesday #ofdarkandmacabre #gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Gothic Girl · @VictorianGothik
416 followers · 105 posts · Server

Lucy Clifford's twisted fantasy 'The New Mother' (1882) centres on sisters Blue-Eyes & the Turkey, named after events in their infant years. The story follows their descent into chaos & tragedy as they strive to impress a stranger in the woods

#fairytaletuesday #ofdarkandmacabre #gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria Audley · @vcaudley
302 followers · 343 posts · Server

I'm going a little obtuse for today's but I recently rewatched one of my favourite movies, Say Anything, and had a fairytale-related thought, so it counts.

There are many ways to say 'and they lived happily ever after' at the end of fairytales: 'and if they have not drunk their fill, the wedding feast is still going,' 'and they lived out their days in as much happiness as before they had endured sorrow,' 'and still their children are running in the streets.'

At the end of Say Anything (um, spoilers), Lloyd attempts to calm Diane's plane anxiety by telling her that if something's going to go wrong, it'll happen before the seatbelt sign goes off. "Once you hear the ding, you know everything's going to be okay."

He keeps talking to distract her from her worrying. He says no one thinks they're going to work out. He kisses her. He keeps telling her it's all going to be okay, any minute now. Any minute.

The screen goes black, and you hear the 'ding.'


Last updated 2 years ago

When Rostam (a legendary hero in Persian mythology) came to fight daevas, they summoned rain, snow, hail and thunder.

It also said, some of them rode snakes, lizards and foxes to the battle.

Illustration from “The Book of Kings”

#fairytaletuesday #folklore #mythology

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2745 followers · 1525 posts · Server

Bit of a special today:

bróðormægen [ ᛒᚱᚩᚦᚩᚱᛗᚫᚷᛖᚾ ] : bothers in magic

bróðor: brother
mægen: strength ; power / magical power

Pronunciation: files-thefolklore-cafe.ams3.di

This is a title used the users of the deepest of magics, those that are brothers by magics deeper than blood. Brothers in power, strength and magic.

Those of us who know , know we are all bróðormægen.


#oldenglish #wordoftheday #hookland #anglosaxons #jutish #histodons #pagan #paganism #fairytaletuesday #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria Audley · @vcaudley
298 followers · 307 posts · Server

In a Scottish version of The Frog Prince, the story opens during a terrible drought.

While baking barleycakes, an old widow realises she's just short of water, and asks her daughter to go to the well to fetch some.

When the daughter gets there, she finds the well all dried up, of course. The frog then appears and promises to provide her with a bucket of water if she'll agree to marry him.

What people REALLY come to the Frog Prince for is gruesome transformations, so worry not, I got you: in this version, when the girl takes the frog to bed, he asks her to fetch an axe and chop off his head. When she does, in the frog's place stands a handsome prince. On a scale of kiss to fling against the wall, this is a solid 11 for me.

#fairytaletuesday #fairytales #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2653 followers · 1395 posts · Server

Ánwalda [ ᚪᚾᚹᚪᛚᛞᚪ ]: One-ruler ; All-ruler ; The sole ruler of the universe

án: One

wald(a): ruler ; power strength might efficacy potestas

The Ánwalda is the ruler of the whole universe; both heaven and earth. The great ruler from which all other rulers are derived.

This was not a description but a title, a proper-noun. Although the only context we have for this word is in the context of the title for God.

Pronunciation: files-thefolklore-cafe.ams3.di

Beowulf (1) -- Him to Ánwaldan áre gelýfde
Exeter (2) -- Ealra Ánwalda, eorþan and heofones

(1) ...reverentially trusted in him as the Ruler of all Things...
(2) ...the Ruler of the Universe, of all of Earth and Heaven...


#oldenglish #wordoftheday #fairytaletuesday #anglosaxon #histodons #medieval #earlymedieval #medievodons

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2652 followers · 1394 posts · Server

On the 17th and 18th Feb, my latest production will be at the Pearl

If you're on the island, would love to see you as we perform the Tale of the Three Sisters

#isleofwight #folklore #storytelling #fairytaletuesday

Last updated 2 years ago