Fides et Ratio, or #FaithandTruth, requires that we carefully balance corporate aspirations and impacts. So it makes sense that we consider the legalese closely. Young folks in MT did just that, and took the state to court.. and won. @Fidesetratio
Fides et Ratio, or #FaithandTruth, requires that we carefully balance corporate aspirations and impacts. So it makes sense that the IRA come part and parcel with comprehensive, "trans-boundary" policies - Play Or Trade Sports. @Fidesetratio
Fides et Ratio, or #FaithandTruth, requires that we carefully balance corporate aspirations and impacts. Some modeling, and conceptual frameworks are involved, and these aren't precise; but can make a tremendous difference for preparedness and resilience. Only science fiction in name; the IRA in the next 100 years. Thanks #GreenBiz!
Fides et Ratio, or #FaithandTruth, requires that we carefully balance corporate aspirations and impacts. Let's organize globally within as well as among faith organizations. Given the size of the Ummah it is a task long overdue. @Fidesetratio
Fides et Ratio, or #FaithandTruth, requires that we carefully balance corporate aspirations and impacts. So it makes sense that states tie utilities to their performance metric, not simply those of shareholders. Take Back the Grid! @Fidesetratio
Fides et Ratio, or #FaithandTruth, requires that we carefully balance corporate aspirations and impacts. So it makes sense that we integrate your insurance company into any adaptation conversation. @Fidesetratio
How are you today? #FaithandTruth continues in good faith to #sustain_sanctuary, witness stakeholders #comingtothetable to transform food waste, and help those #adapting2change. Please join us! @Fidesetratio
#faithandtruth #sustain_sanctuary #comingtothetable #adapting2change
Fides et Ratio, or #FaithandTruth, requires that we carefully balance corporate aspirations and impacts. So we should call out the obvious for our congregations - environmental justice means leaving fossil fuels in the ground.