From 16 May: Beers family members built a “conglomerate” by selling a Christian alternative to traditional health insurance. They’re now scrambling for cash, even though they received millions in PPP loans that were later forgiven. - #uspol #healthcare #faithbased #scam
#scam #faithbased #healthcare #uspol
A #medieval timeline of #woke versus #FaithBased society 🪞 👉
Flowcharting faith-based faith versus faith-obeying-reason mapping Christian byways of #worldbuilding #faithbased #faith #fideism #obedience
#worldbuilding #faithbased #faith #fideism #obedience
MUST WATCH! New Christian TV Series: Breaking Strongholds
Special LIVE interview tonight! 8:00 PM ET Lead actor, #TerryWeaver, who plays Detective Ethan James, in the new #faithbased series #BreakingStrongholds joins Resistance Chicks to talk about the incredible show you and your family don't want to miss! Watch!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #christianmovies #christianfilms #christiantv #suicide #suicideprevention #suicidehelp
#suicidehelp #suicideprevention #suicide #christiantv #Christianfilms #ChristianMovies #BreakingStrongholds #faithbased #TerryWeaver