#Connecticut #pedestrians and #bicyclists need safer streets!
Amplifying @bikewesthartford's invitation to #CT #bike groups, #BookClubs, #FaithCommunities, and more:
*** Host a watch party of "The Street Project" film for #SafeStreets
Share your local action steps in statewide zoom call on Feb 5th.***
Learn more at https://BikeWalkCT
#faithcommunities #bookclubs #bikers #bikes #nutmeggers #biketooter #safestreets #Bike #ct #bicyclists #pedestrians #connecticut
An amazing photographic journey through the many faiths in New York
#FaithCommunities #NewYork
@elfenzo 👋🏽 Hello, Friend! I was a Quaker for 18 years. Previously Grace Brethren (as a child). Currently attend a Kateri Circle, which meets at a Jesuit parish. #quakers #KateriCircle #FaithCommunities
#faithcommunities #katericircle #quakers