What is the CES Letter? Is it ok for a #mormon to read? https://wasmormon.org/what-is-the-ces-letter/
#cesletter #exmormon #exmo #postmormon #mormonstory #wasmormon #lds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #postmo #question #faith #doubt #deconstruction #faithcrisis #truth #truthclaims #truthcrisis #faithtransition #church #leavingreligion #churchhistory #ces #abraham #josephsmith #antimormon #investigation #weak #foundation #prophet #jesus #mormonism #truthseeker #jeremyrunnels #shelfbreaker #questioning #exit
#exit #questioning #shelfbreaker #jeremyrunnels #truthseeker #mormonism #jesus #prophet #foundation #weak #investigation #antimormon #josephsmith #Abraham #ces #churchhistory #leavingreligion #church #faithtransition #truthcrisis #truthclaims #truth #faithcrisis #deconstruction #doubt #faith #question #postmo #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #lds #wasmormon #mormonstory #postmormon #exmo #exmormon #cesletter #mormon
This site is dedicated to hosting #mormon #faithtransition stories. These stories are told by real people with real lives. You can create an account and tell your own story. We’ve found that writing our story is cathartic as well as reading the stories of others is therapeutic. It is validating to find similarities in the stories. The mission of this site is to destigmatize the #doubt and stop demonizing #honest #exmormon who decide to #leavethechurch.
#leavethechurch #exmormon #honest #doubt #faithtransition #mormon
- Brik
Continue reading the full wasmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brittany-johnson/
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#wasmormon #exmormon #postmormon #exitstory #closingtestimony #exmo #mormonprofile #whyileft #mormon #ldschurch #faithtransition #mormonshelf #faithcrisis #cognitivedissonance #mormontruthclaims #apostake
#apostake #mormontruthclaims #cognitivedissonance #faithcrisis #mormonshelf #faithtransition #ldschurch #mormon #WhyILeft #mormonprofile #exmo #closingtestimony #exitstory #postmormon #exmormon #wasmormon
I am living my life as a free, educated, single but happy woman who has found a true relationship with my Savior. I am no longer a Mormon. I no longer hate myself.
Continue reading the full #wasmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/k-e-r-i-a-n-n-75/
#exmormon #postmormon #exitstory #closingtestimony #mormonprofile #whyileft #mormon #ldschurch #faithtransition
#faithtransition #ldschurch #mormon #WhyILeft #mormonprofile #closingtestimony #exitstory #postmormon #exmormon #wasmormon