Leland J. Stanford Junior Community College is up academic shit creek without a paddle.
#thestanforddaily #fak #tessierlavigne
Ezekkel az aljas mĂłdszerekkel gyilkolják a fákat Magyarországon Az öncĂ©lĂş kegyetlensĂ©g nemcsak a Balaton mellett, hanem az ország más rĂ©szein is gyakori, Ă©s az utĂłbbi Ă©vekben a belterĂĽletek mellett a termĂ©szetes Ă©lĹ‘helyeken is megjelent. https://qubit.hu/2023/07/14/ezekkel-az-aljas-modszerekkel-gyilkoljak-a-fakat-magyarorszagon #környzetkárosĂtás #fagyilkosság #fapusztĂtás #fagyilkos #tudomány #fák
#kornyzetkarositas #fagyilkossag #fapusztitas #fagyilkos #tudomany #fak
20th #WorldPressFreedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders reveals 2 fold increase in polarisation amplified by info chaos that is, media polarisation fuelling divisions w/in countries, as well as polarisation between countries at international level. 2022 edition of World Press Freedom Index assesses state of journalism in 180 countries, highlights the disastrous effects of news info chaos, globalised, unregulated online info space, #fak news & #propaganda https://rsf.org/en/rsf-s-2022-world-press-freedom-index-new-era-polarisation?year=2022&data_type=general
#worldpressfreedom #fak #propaganda
Ich vermute mal, der Grund, warum der Naziaufmarsch heute relativ schlecht besucht war, ist der, dass die meisten von ihnen im FuĂźballstadion sind.
#Derby #Wienderby #FAK #SCR
Vaccine skeptics now being labeled part of “extremist” groups in latest merger of Big Pharma and the police state government
#alexandriaocasiocortez #authoritarianism #badhealth #bigpharma #britain #congress #coronavirus #enemies #extremists #fak...
#fak #extremists #enemies #coronavirus #congress #britain #BigPharma #badhealth #authoritarianism #alexandriaocasiocortez