Manu {G²} :verified: · @CiberPoliES
196 followers · 30 posts · Server


Aquí podéis encontrar la ponencia de M. Guerra de la Unidad Central de Ciberdelincuencia 👮
Si quieres conocer ciberataques como AP Rogue, QRs, Estafa CEO, y USB Spy 👇


#fakeEmail #phishing #smishing #iot #homografico #ingenieriasocial

Last updated 2 years ago

Si soy yo · @nuria_imeq
46 followers · 24 posts · Server

Aquí podéis encontrar la ponencia de M. Guerra de la Unidad Central de Ciberdelincuencia 👮 @policia
Si quieres conocer ciberataques como AP Rogue, QRs, Estafa CEO, y USB Spy 👇 @uc3m

#fakeEmail #phishing #smishing #iot #homografico #ingenieriasocial

Last updated 2 years ago

Should we continue pretend that is a viable medium?

Someone told us recently that they were forced to provide an email to open a . They said they tried to challenge the requirement but the system would not allow an account to be made without one and so they gave an outdated and/or .

How do people not know that email is a controlled by Ggle and MS?

#email #bankAccount #fakeEmail #fraud

Last updated 2 years ago