Patrick O'Beirne · @PatrickOBeirne
62 followers · 767 posts · Server

I don't see any @Interkultur account here, nor any tags. Maybe somebody in knows?
If it interests anyone, here's a link to their come-and- concert in directed by where my wife & I will join in eight of his pieces.

They are on Facebook, but I'm not. (because )

#interkultur #deutschland #chor #musik #sing #barcelona #ericwhitaker #singing #choir #choral #holiday #fakebook

Last updated 1 year ago

Among other things, worked to unite countries in .

His last words before he was murdered by 's henchmen were interestingly about .

> "They are making you all drunk (on Fb)."

We understand many people in so-called "" are not allowed to afford a outside of . It adds a whole new layer of meaning to the phrase 'under the influence'.

#Gaddafi #africa #hillaryclinton #farcebook #webexperience #fakebook #undertheinfluencer #hypnoticSuggestion #privacy #security #modernslavery #developingNations

Last updated 1 year ago

Bitcoin doesn't hurt the environment, that's just 2018 FUDD that propagandists spread, on , cloudFlare and other CAGEMAFIA-served outlets. One time they took a good study that showed how efficient Bitcoin was and spun the data in a disingenuous way.

It uses as much energy as it needs to secure the network, commensurate with the stake people have in it.

We have just noticed '' is CloudFlare'd so use an alt please or we will not be communicate further.

#fakebook #thelifeboats

Last updated 1 year ago

Punch-a-, except the approx 17,000 we exported to (from 52 countries using and sites*)…

We bomb those.


#nazi #ukraine #fakebook #cloudflare #punchanazi #timemagazine

Last updated 1 year ago

tschigi · @tschigi
43 followers · 722 posts · Server

@heiseonline Ja, Ich wünsche mir tatsächlich, das der nächste Riese ist der so richtig auf die Schnauze fällt, so wie , , und vielleicht bald einmal auch und . Verdient haben es alle.
Es ist wirklich erstaunlich, wieviele Leute heutzutage noch immer nicht verstanden haben, dass „soziale Medien“ zu 99% nicht sozial sind.

#whatscrap #twatter #reddiss #fakebook #instascam

Last updated 1 year ago

People ask us why we refuse the call Corporation by their proper name, ''.

a) Its not our job to help bad companies whenever they please, we don't call death merchant company, 'Altria' either, and probably most importantly,

b) why vandalise a perfectly good word?

#fakebook #meta #rebrand #bigtabacco

Last updated 1 year ago

Ferda 😼✔️ · @ferda
73 followers · 457 posts · Server

@michal Mohou se vrátit na 😁🤣 nebo , ale cenzura je stejně nemine 🤷‍♂️.
Nic není zadarmo, už padal před Muskem, ten to jen urychlil a zaneřádil, ale je svobodný, lepší vyhledávání se časem taky vyřeší...

#fakebook #threads #twitter #mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Someone in be like:

> "We seem to have this weird drop in local , independent voices since 2016


This is our favourite part:

> "Could it be something to do with lockdown?"

Was a thing from 2016, you garbage, mouthpiece of the ?

#corporatemedia #grassroots #COVID19 #dogwhistling #fascists #OREALLY #post2016Era #abcnews #australia #trumpderangementSyndrome #flatearthers #fakenews #facebook #fakebook

Last updated 1 year ago

Ferda 😼✔️ · @ferda
72 followers · 441 posts · Server

@michal Pamatuji, jak jsem byl nadšený z Jabber v naší komunitě na jihu Prahy. Bohužel protokol XMPP pak zabil Google Talk a všechno šlo do kytek 😬. Nerad bych, aby to dopadlo stejně. Pak budu moci jen říkat: "Já to říkal 🤷‍♂️." Ostatně si to mnozí uvědomují (viz odkaz na🧵 výše) a nechtějí s spolupracovat, jak to udělali správci XMPP protokolu v minulosti...
bude určitě chtít vytěžovat data uživatelů, na tom je založen. Proto jsem tady, že žádná data nechci dávat. 😕


Last updated 1 year ago

Ferda 😼✔️ · @ferda
72 followers · 441 posts · Server

@michal Já jsem pro blokovat i instance, které nebudou blokovat 🤷‍♂️, na se musí tvrdě, jinak to dopadne jako XMPP, který zničil Google 😬. Ale nejsem admin 😊
Je tu možnost migrovat na server, který bude splňovat mé požadavky, nebo soukromá instance, ale to před dravou a ničeho se neštítící komercí, která je založena na vysávání uživatelských dat, nezachrání 🤷‍♂️.
K problematice🧵 na 🤔
@davidslizek @archos @admin @nolog @OliKockova @jackc

#threads #fakebook #mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Ferda 😼✔️ · @ferda
72 followers · 441 posts · Server

@saasa Ja jsem pro blokovat i instance, které Threads nebudou blokovat 🤷‍♂️, na se musí tvrdě, jinak to dopadne jako XMPP, který zničil Google 😬.
Viz třeba 🤔
@sesivany @jakubzelenka
@theron29 @honza_o


Last updated 1 year ago

We read it, but its not clear what is meant by "end-to-end". Is it RSS/XMPP/deleting ? Its not made clear in the article itself. Message is encrypted itself in seperate articles that are difficult to convey in any meaningful way.

The real solution is simple. Commit to blocking big tech at the network level and never purchase from them, telling friends locally and online how you're moving to FOSS linux, I2P and XMPP for messaging etc and NEVER YIELD.


Last updated 1 year ago

Things we always find unsettling whenever we look at a person's feed, is how , specific and is it.

Additionally, almost ALL text posts are gone.

Its always like this.

Thank goodness for fediverse.

#fakebook #compartmentalised #atomising

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. Med Johannes M. ✅ · @dr_jo_mue
321 followers · 1590 posts · Server

Ok. You give them your real-name and your personal details, so that they can Add-target you better. They will get 2-3x more add-revenue on you.

And THEN you will pay 9 $ per month?

What kind of Business is that?!?

You can have the same "for free" on Facebook!

#fakebook #socialmedia #musk #bluecheck #twitter #scam

Last updated 1 year ago

Kay369 · @Kay369
76 followers · 553 posts · Server

The is full of ...where have all the deep thinkers gone? I suspect it is down the slippery slope of et al. and the 'dumb' devices in everyone's pocket, notwithstanding the Stockholm syndrome animal they tug on a lead...😩. How have humans become so and oblivious to the 'people' or bots they have all become...

#world #superficial #thinkers #fakebook #disconnected #conveyorbelt #dull #controlled #capitalism #zombieapocolypse #smartphonesaredumbingyoudown

Last updated 2 years ago

Less expensive perhaps but is that relative to wages in Malaysia by any chance?

We think it is a mistake to not converse about the ills of Corporation. It takes a few ppl to talk about this stuff before it sinks in and they explore ethical options.

Remember (Network Educate Organise Engage with power Disobey) in that order.

#fakebook #getNEOed

Last updated 2 years ago

Ferda 😼✔️ · @ferda
48 followers · 299 posts · Server

Já doporučuji odinstalovat nejen , ale i (původně ), , a , kde se všude sbírá vaše uživatelské chování a provadí/vytváří se (sice výsledky nejdou do Číny, ale příslušným firmám) - nechat jen , kde se tohle neděje. 🤔😉👍🏻

#tiktok #fakebook #facebook #instagram #google #twitter #datamining #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Big Rob · @bigrob
3 followers · 39 posts · Server

Facbook is evil too.

#fakebook #BigRob

Last updated 2 years ago

Big Rob · @bigrob
3 followers · 37 posts · Server

I look at this picture every time I think about re-opening a fakebook account.

#montypython #BigRob #fakebook

Last updated 2 years ago