Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #topless #nude #video #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #topless #nude #video #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
#FakeFriday @ubleiden with more fake news about the Warming Pan Baby. The lie that the son of James II and Mary of Modena was really a local miller's child was started in the #FakeRepublic and is seen here in a print by Romeyn de Hooghe, who gave the baby a toy mill for emphasis. 1/2
#fakefriday #fakerepublic #histodons #History #bookhistory #arthistory
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #topless #nude #video #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #topless #nude #video #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
@fkamiah17 yep, it all started with #FakeFriday on Thursday and it’s just been a blur of hot cross buns since
The Special Collections are closed so no #FakeFriday @ubleiden today but instead the very real and authentic 'Spring' by Saenredam/Goltzius (1596). Happy Easter from #thefakerepublic, everyone!
#fakefriday #TheFakeRepublic #bookhistory #earlymodern #histodons
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #topless #nude #video #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #topless #nude #video #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
#FakeFriday in #thefakerepublic - I spent the afternoon taking photographs of this infamous forgery with @ubleiden. The pamphlet, commonly known as The Eleven Articles, is a treaty between England and Amsterdam that was fabricated by the circle of Stadholder Willem II in order to create support for his imminent attack on the city in July 1650. More on this soon on @ubleiden 's wonderful blog.
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
- If you fabricate stories to prove that the Jesuits are liars, then what does that make you? Though they were soon exposed as a fake after their first appearance in 1615, the Monita Secreta continued to be published for centuries, like in this Dutch translation from 1732. Watch this space for many more anti-Jesuit forgeries from #thefakerepublic
| #histodons #bookhistory #earlymodern
#fakefriday #TheFakeRepublic #histodons #bookhistory #earlymodern
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore
RT @JacqHylkema@twitter.com
#FakeFriday @ubleiden@twitter.com with Pierre Marteau, the Cologne printer invented in the 1660s, probably by Jan Elzevir, to avoid the censors. Marteau went on to become the most prolific - and ancient! - of European printers, publishing books well into the 19th century. #thefakerepublic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JacqHylkema/status/1598668575849517057
#FakeFriday @ubleiden - the joy of false imprints! I spent this week with Pierre Marteau, the Cologne printer invented in the 1660s, probably by Jan Elzevir, to avoid the censors. Marteau went on to become the most prolific (and ancient!) of European printers, publishing books well into the 19th century. What is your favourite false imprint? #thefakerepublic #histodons #bookhistory #earlymodern #earlymodons
#fakefriday #TheFakeRepublic #histodons #bookhistory #earlymodern #earlymodons
Celebrity Watch
Fake Friday
#CelebrityFakes #FakeFriday #video #topless #nude #FullFrontal #explicit #hardcore
#celebrityfakes #fakefriday #video #topless #nude #fullfrontal #explicit #hardcore