Gather round youngsters and I'll tell you about the before times.
A long time ago, emoticons were Decepticons that transformed from robots into ASCII art symbols representing various emotions.
#fakehistory #morethanmeetstheeye
Trump leads the charge across the Delaware River during the battle of Bowling Green.
A vision from the goddess AI:
The Pilgrims land on Plymouth Rock in December 1620 using their ship-based helicopter given to them after a miracle at sea. The pilgrims rescued the survivors of the Titanic because God guided them to the sinking ship using signals received via satellites launched into space by Elmo Tusk in 1614.
This picture is approved for use in Floridian history books.
Here’s the Inside Story About #NoahsArk
#arkpark #mythology #fakeHistory #christianity #christian #greatflood #judaism
#noahsark #arkpark #mythology #fakehistory #christianity #christian #greatflood #judaism
Er is niet alleen fake news, er is ook fake history. Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse noemt zichzelf een fake history hunter, en spoort dat soort vervalsingen op. #fake #fakehistory #fakenews
On this website you find debunked fake history:
The writer is Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse and calls herself a Fake History Hunter. #fake #history #fakehistory #fakenews #debunk
#fake #history #fakehistory #fakenews #debunk
@pivoinebleue 🤔 What a difference 167 years can make, giving Confederate rebel zombies enough time to slip into Lincoln's party's coat.
Republican Party Platform for the 1856 election for President of the United States on slave trade & slavery:
"That all these things have been done with the knowledge, sanction, and procurement of the present National Administration; and that for this high crime against the Constitution, the Union, and humanity, we arraign that Administration, the President, his advisers, agents, supporters, apologists, and accessories, either before or after the fact, before the country and before the world; and that it is our fixed purpose to bring the actual perpetrators of these atrocious outrages and their accomplices to a sure and condign punishment thereafter."
#DrainRacism #Racism #Exploitation #Slavery #CrimesAgainstHumanity #BlackHistory #AmericanHistory #GOPPseudoHistory #FakeHistory
#drainracism #racism #exploitation #slavery #crimesagainsthumanity #blackhistory #americanhistory #goppseudohistory #fakehistory
Nooit meer Tartaria. Na een boekje en een driedelige podcastreeks neem ik afscheid van Tartaria.
In de laatste aflevering maak ik een omweg langs twee chronologiecritici om dan uit te komen bij de ideologische aspecten van de pseudohistorische vertelsels rond het vermeende wereldrijk.
#Podcast #Tartaria #PseudoArchaeology #FakeHistory #Pseudoarcheologie #Complottheoriën
#podcast #tartaria #pseudoarchaeology #fakehistory #pseudoarcheologie #complottheorien
Nog meer Tartaria.
In deze aflevering vertel ik over de verrassend moderne technologie en de verbluffende energievoorzieningen. Jammer genoeg konden die de ondergang van het imaginaire rijk door gemanipuleerde modderstromen niet tegenhouden.
#Podcast #Tartaria #Pseudoarcheologie #Pseudogeschiedenis #Pseudoarchaeology #FakeHistory
#podcast #tartaria #pseudoarcheologie #pseudogeschiedenis #pseudoarchaeology #fakehistory
Tartaria, dat is de naam van een nieuw, verzonnen wereldrijk. Tartaria is ook de titel van mijn nieuwe podcastreeks voor de maand februari.
Drie delen heb ik. In deel één vertel ik hoe de pseudoarcheologische online mythe van Tartaria zich op gang trok en geef ik aan waar de bedenkers van de verhalen hun mosterd gehaald hebben.
#Podcast #Tartaria #Pseudoarcheologie #Pseudogeschiedenis #Pseudoarchaeology #FakeHistory
#podcast #tartaria #pseudoarcheologie #pseudogeschiedenis #pseudoarchaeology #fakehistory
A Hit French Novel Tries to Explain Putin. Too Well, Some Critics Say.
A popular novel, “The Wizard of the Kremlin,” presents a sympathetic portrait of the Russian leader, critics say, raising concerns that it might influence national policy toward the Ukraine war. #NYTimes #putin #kremlin #propaganda #fakehistory #fakeputin #paris #france #mythmaking
#mythmaking #France #Paris #fakeputin #fakehistory #Propaganda #Kremlin #Putin #nytimes
A Hit French Novel Tries to Explain Putin. Too Well, Some Critics Say.
A popular novel, “The Wizard of the Kremlin,” presents a sympathetic portrait of the Russian leader, critics say, raising concerns that it might influence national policy toward the Ukraine war. #NYTimes #putin #kremlin #propaganda #fakehistory #fakeputin #paris #france #mythmaking
#mythmaking #France #Paris #fakeputin #fakehistory #Propaganda #Kremlin #Putin #nytimes
A Hit French Novel Tries to Explain Putin. Too Well, Some Critics Say.
A popular novel, “The Wizard of the Kremlin,” presents a sympathetic portrait of the Russian leader, critics say, raising concerns that it might influence national policy toward the Ukraine war. #NYTimes #putin #kremlin #propaganda #fakehistory #fakeputin #paris #france #mythmaking
#mythmaking #France #Paris #fakeputin #fakehistory #Propaganda #Kremlin #Putin #nytimes
2023-01-12 #video:
"#Russia created #CzechRepublic and #Poland despite #Germany, and they treat us like that! It's unbelievable"
#propaganda #fakehistory #Germany #Poland #czechrepublic #russia #video
"George Psalmanazar (was a) mysterious Frenchman who successfully posed as a native of Formosa (now modern Taiwan) and gave birth to a meticulously fabricated culture with bizarre customs, exotic fashions, and its own invented language."
Non-fiction was easy book #fakehistory was hands down winner, cover to cover in 2 sittings
Fiction winner was #seaoftranquility a distinctive style and amazing slow build intertwining story(s)
#bestbook2022 #fakehistory #seaoftranquility
It is often said that we live in "post-truth" times, as if disinformation is an innovation of the internet age.
Folks who bend reality to fit ideology have been around for decades - centuries - and they play the long game.
One of the most popular and long-running TV series in US history premiered in 1974.
"Little House on the Prairie" was a big slice of sweet American apple pie.
But sometimes sugar is for covering-up something rotten...