Shoutout to all the psych-focused tech people who make tools like PsyToolKit and others openly available. I could kiss you.
I still have to modify a go/no-go task, but having a basis to work from may prevent me from a serious disaster this year.
Also, hugs and kisses to those who have already created auditory tasks for me to work from.
#ThisNeedsToWork #FakeItTillYouMakeIt #StandingOnTheShouldersOfGiants
#thisneedstowork #fakeittillyoumakeit #standingontheshouldersofgiants
After a late flight back, and then delays in getting out of the airport and home, I have had far too little sleep to function adequately today in a work environment.
Enough sleep to be able to fake it for another day, though, apparently.
#today #tired #toooldforlatenights #fakeittillyoumakeit
Interessant wie manche Ex-#Arbeitgeber auf #Kununu mit gekauften #FakeBewertungen und Drohungen gegen negative Bewertungen agieren...
etreu dem motto "#FakeItTillYouMakeIt!"...
#fakeittillyoumakeit #fakebewertungen #Kununu #arbeitgeber
Faking it until you make it. Not everyone isas altogether as they look 😉
#chenelno1 #fakeittillyoumakeit #quoteoftheday2023 #bethebestyou #funnyquote
#chenelno1 #fakeittillyoumakeit #quoteoftheday2023 #bethebestyou #funnyquote
Hello, le soleil brille, brille, briiiiilllle !
I started playing with #Google #Bard today and it's already doing crazy stuff... Like inventing a "premium" tier for google keep at $2.99 a month to be able to create more than 10 notes a day. (see thread for pics) #Hallucinations #AI #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
#google #bard #hallucinations #ai #fakeittillyoumakeit
Helaine Olen: This all-but-forgotten con man sold America on ‘fake it till you make it’
"Glenn W. Turner is now all but forgotten. But this salesman extraordinaire in flashy suits was once all but omnipresent in American life. Turner, the son of a sharecropper, told people they could all be rich and successful like him — if, that is, they made an investment in his multi-level marketing company. They would peddle “mink oil” makeup and his “Dare to Be Great” motivational tapes, and collect more money by recruiting others and taking a percentage on their sales."
#fakeittillyoumakeit #scam #mlm #pyramidscheme
#fakeittillyoumakeit #scam #mlm #pyramidscheme
„Das Guinnessbuch der Rekorde führt #Musk inzwischen als größten Verlierer aller Zeiten: Keinem Menschen zuvor ist es gelungen, bis zu 200 Milliarden USD eines selbst verdienten Vermögens zu verbrennen.“ 🏆Porträt von #ElonMusk via #DerSpiegel. #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
#musk #elonmusk #derspiegel #fakeittillyoumakeit
Watching a Nova documentary on machine learning and predictive analytics used to "Minority Report" future criminals.
Periodically they show stock footage of generic complicated computer text scrolling by, and I'm happy to report it's one of two things every time: the output of an nmap scan, or hackertyper. Either way, it has nothing to do with machine learning , and _LOL_ 😂
#cyber #PBS #Nova #fakeittillyoumakeit #hacking
At least it isn't beeping and flashing text (like every TV show)
#cyber #pbs #nova #fakeittillyoumakeit #hacking
And now I realise that there a few bits left unfinished. Well, I think I’ll claim that it was deliberate artistic licence, and stalk off stage left. Who will ever know?
And now I realise that there a few bits left unfinished. Well, I think I’ll claim that it was deliberate artistic licence, and stalk off stage left. Who will ever know?
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#kermitsaidit #fakeittillyoumakeit #yearofthevariants #anticoronahumor
Get u a 'they' that can do ALL of it
#ShamelessPlug #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
#nbi #shamelessplug #fakeittillyoumakeit #fishing #queer
@lorenzo Thanks :D been a full day of helping people on twitter and mastodon and slowly consolidating all of into that page. I learned so much #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
He's not wrong, ya know? And it's basically the same for #hacking - just replace "indian youtuber" with "muted youtuber, notepad.exe and some siccccck nightcore traxxx" #welcometomyhackingtutorial
#stackoverflow #programming #soop #stackoverfloworientedprogramming #fakeittillyoumakeit
#hacking #welcometomyhackingtutorial #stackoverflow #programming #soop #stackoverfloworientedprogramming #fakeittillyoumakeit