OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
176 followers · 328 posts · Server hear-me.social

Ukraine . . . Why do some Leftists support a bloodbath? G&R Commentary--the war has to end!


A Green & Red commentary on the continued brutal and bloody war in Ukraine. There are now over 500,000 casualties in the war and the U.S. is sending billions of dollars there (but not to East Palestine, Flint, Jackson, Hawaii, etc).
Negotiations are imperative, as the JCS Chair Mark Milley has been saying, and the NATO Left has to stop supporting this bloody war.

#greenred #ukraine #blood #natoleft #stopwars #war #fakeleft #casualties #billionaires #profit

Last updated 1 year ago

Heretical_i · @heretical_i
18 followers · 625 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Why the ❤️‍🩹s the fact left

"Tucker was the cable host who most:

* Opposed US proxy war in ;

* Denounced , and for its systemic lies and corruption;

* Devoted himself to a pardon for ;

* Objected to regime change efforts in Cuba;

* Criticized Admin's ." -

Illustrated: twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/

#fakeleft #tuckercarlson #fauxnews #ukraine #cia #fbi #dhs #julianassange #trump #militarism #glenngreenwald

Last updated 2 years ago

Red Faster · @RedFaster
45 followers · 857 posts · Server stranger.social

Hey guys the are jealous of now? Is that a thing?

#fakeleft #crypto

Last updated 2 years ago

whisperwatch · @whisperwatch
11 followers · 136 posts · Server mastodon.social

was irrational, hateful, disrespectful, dismissive, overly emotional and immature during that whole exchange. What's worse is he seemed to take every disagreement had with him as a personal insult for which he had to rabidly defend himself. If he isn't embarrassed, he should be. It seems like she was invited to the show to be a whipping boy for the people he is truly angry with (Jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald, etc).

#CenkUygur #briahnajoygray #tyt #foolishness #fakeleft

Last updated 2 years ago

We've all seen them.

The small 'L' left who say they care and then say, but the , I see hope in to turn things around.

Its a common trope. We see sophists use it all the time, too.

They are in there 30s, 40s and 50s. But are satisfied to not they want to see.

#youngpeople #TheNextGeneration #mediaTrained #bethechange #UsefulIdiots #hopeAndChange #rhetoric #lipstickLeft #WordSalad #identityLeft #fakeleft #promisesOfABetterTomorrow #indoctrinated #sleepWalking #zombieLeft #corporateState

Last updated 3 years ago

☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1283 followers · 19563 posts · Server todon.nl

What's up with those Maoists on Mastodon? Or you don't understand who Mao was or you are willingly supporting a dictator and mass-murderer (same with Stalinists by the way).

#fakeleft #authoritarianism

Last updated 8 years ago