#FakeMovieFacts: Octaman would later be released on the international film market under the title "Squid Game."
#fakemoviefacts #Monsterdon #octaman
#FakeMovieFacts: If you look closely in the background of the fiom Amsterdamned, you can notice Cheech and Chong wandering around in a Marihauna-induced daze in several shots.
#fakemoviefacts #thelastdrivein #amsterdamned #cheechandchong
#FakeMovieFacts -- Invasion of the Body Snatchers would be re-made in 1978, starring Donald Sutherland, and the story of Inspector Matthew Bennell would later be further explored in Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (2006)
#Monsterdon #InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers
#fakemoviefacts #Monsterdon #invasionofthebodysnatchers
#FakeMovieFacts: To get many of the props and costumes for The Queen of Outer Space, the crew went to the producers of Forbidden Planet and World Without End, physically assaulted a few people and took whatever they wanted. “Go ahead! Call the cops!” Zsa Zsa Gabor is believed to have screamed as she smashed an umbrella holder with a baseball bat on their way out, “We don’t give a f**!”
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #queenofouterspace
#FakeMovieFacts: If you look closely in the background of the Griffith Observatory scene in Earth Girls Are Easy, you can notice a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger wandering near the observation deck.
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #earthgirlsareeasy #terminator
#FakeMovieFacts: For the "Essence of Man" scene in Barbarella, no sci-fi sets were constructed. Instead, they just filmed on location at one of Warhol's Factory parties ...
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #barbarella
#FakeMovieFacts: The dramatic climax to Queen Bee would go on to inspire Richard Weyman to direct the classic driver's safety film Signal 30 (1959).
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #queenbee #signal30
#FakeMovieFacts: Kubrick had to pay a stiff fine for refusing to include The Zombies “Time of the Season” in Full Metal Jacket, which to this day is still a contractual industry requirement for all Vietnam War-themed movies.
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #fullmetaljacket
#FakeMovieFacts: Ingram's disembodied left hand would go on to star in a numner of 1950s watch ads in the late 40s and early 50s before being signed up on the spot for the role of Thing in The Addas Family.
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #thebeastwithfivefingers
#FakeMovieFacts: After some refurbishing, the titular Cabinet in The Cabinet of Dr. Of Caligari would go on to portray the titular wardrobe in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe ...
#fakemoviefacts #silentflickersunday #thecabinetofdrcaligari
#FakeMovieFacts: Blow-Up (1966) began as a bet between Michelangelo Antonioni and a friend about how many ornate busts one could sneak into a film before the audience begins to notice ...
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #blowup1966
#FakeMovieFacts: If you look closely in the background of A Trip to Jupiter, you can notice Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan.
#fakemoviefacts #silentflickersunday #atriptojupiter
#FakeMovieFacts: Plato wrote a rave review for Harlequin in his book The Allegory of the Cave.
#fakemoviefacts #silentflickersunday #harlequin1931
#FakeMovieFacts: If you look closely in the background of the Moon Monolith discovery scene while wearing a tinfoil hat, you can notice Jack Nicholson in character as Jack Torrance from the Shining ranting that the moon landing was about to be faked here ...
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #2001aspaceodyssey
#FakeMovieFacts: Lost in Translation initially began as a bet between Sofia Coppola and her father on whether or not a film opening with a four-story tall ass could win critical acclaim ...
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #lostintranslation
#FakeMovieFacts: The Killers character Kitty Collins would be revisited in the 1964 film "Kitty With a Whip."
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #thekillers1946 #kittenwithawhip
#FakeMovieFacts: In one early version of the Dog Day Afternoon script, Sal and Sonny get away on the jet and fly to a life of extradition in Wyoming. There was a planned Western-themed sequel where they're stage coaches ...
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #dogdayafternoon
#FakeMovieFacts: Queen of Outer Space would later inspire John Gray's Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus.
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #queenofouterspace #tcmunderground
#FakeMovieFacts: Baby Jane Hudson would later go on to do catering and Craft Services for John Waters' Desperate Living ...
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #whateverhappenedtobabyjane
#FakeMovieFacts: if you look closely in the background of Zabriskie Point, you can notice one of the giant radioactive ants from Them! (1954) wandering the desert.
#fakemoviefacts #TCMParty #zabriskiepoint #them