Police said accused created fake profiles on the gay dating app ’Blued and indulged in sexual activities and shot naked videos of the victims after meeting them
#FakeProfiles #NakedVideosShot #GayDatingApp #UP
#fakeprofiles #nakedvideosshot #gaydatingapp #up
#Fake #FakePeople #fakeprofiles #scamalert #scammer #copyrightlaw
Good Morning ☀️ be original today!
#fake #fakepeople #fakeprofiles #scamalert #scammer #copyrightlaw
Hi George, twitter is only one cog in the huge online political brainwashing machine.
Take a look at this France24 article & weep for those who don't know their political choices are being re-constructed for them by the same types who like Musk et al.
#musk #pegasus #cambridgeanalytica #fakeprofiles
"‘Aims’: the software for hire that can control 30,000 fake online profiles - [Guardian] Exclusive: Team Jorge disinformation unit controls vast army of avatars with fake profiles on Twitter, #Facebook, #Gmail, #Instagram, #Amazon and #Airbnb
"At first glance, the Twitter user “Canaelan” looks ordinary enough. He has tweeted on everything from basketball to Taylor Swift, Tottenham Hotspur football club to the price of a KitKat. The profile shows a friendly-looking blond man with a stubbly beard and glasses who, it indicates, lives in Sheffield. The background: a winking owl.
Canaelan is, in fact, a non-human bot linked to a vast army of fake social media profiles controlled by a software designed to spread “propaganda”.
Advanced Impact Media Solutions, or Aims, which controls more than 30,000 fake social media profiles, can be used to spread disinformation at scale and at speed. It is sold by “Team Jorge”, a unit of disinformation operatives based in Israel.
Tal Hanan, who runs the covert group using the pseudonym “Jorge”, told undercover reporters that they sold access to their software to unnamed intelligence agencies, political parties and corporate clients. One appears to have been sold to a client who wanted to discredit the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), a statutory watchdog.
On 18 October 2020, the ICO ruled that the government should reveal which companies were awarded multimillion-pound contracts to supply PPE after being entered into a “VIP” lane for politically connected companies. “This is politically motivated, it’s clear!” Canaelan lamented on Twitter two days later."
#Disinformation #DisinformationIndustry #FakeNews #FakeProfiles #UK #UKPolitics #AIMS #TeamJorge #TalHanan
#facebook #gmail #instagram #amazon #airbnb #disinformation #disinformationindustry #fakenews #fakeprofiles #uk #ukpolitics #aims #teamjorge #talhanan
This article touches on several key reproducible techniques that the #CI #GangStalkers on #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp who have also migrated over to #Telegram & #Signal now use methodology wise to #TargetedIndividuals most notably by putting #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware that is off the shelf from the #UK, aka #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky which is used to infect and cause #Trillions of dollars of #FinancialCrime hiding behind their #ProxyServers to #HideTheirLocation .
This is a common tactic for spreading #disinformation and #CharacterAssasination via #FakeProfiles posing as the target, the #TargetedIndividual perpitrated by #CI's #WhiteListedCriminals & #Pedophiles in #CounterIntelligence.
#ci #gangstalkers #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #telegram #signal #TargetedIndividuals #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #uk #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #trillions #financialcrime #proxyservers #hidetheirlocation #disinformation #characterassasination #fakeprofiles #targetedindividual #whitelistedcriminals #pedophiles #counterintelligence #insurrectionday #jan6th2021 #CapitolRiots
#Faux #Scammer #scammeralert #fakenews #fakeprofiles #tiktok #menshealth #depression #suicideawareness #Africa #Africans #News #statistics #WHO #worldhealthorganization #nutritionist
Akaunti Bandia! Faux compte!
#faux #scammer #scammeralert #FakeNews #fakeprofiles #TikTok #menshealth #depression #suicideawareness #Africa #africans #news #statistics #who #worldhealthorganization #nutritionist
This article touches on several key reproducible techniques that the #CI #GangStalkers on #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp who have also migrated over to #Telegram & #Signal now use methodology wise to #TargetedIndividuals most notably by putting #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware that is off the shelf from the #UK, aka #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky which is used to infect and cause #Trillions of dollars of #FinancialCrime hiding behind their #PeoxyServers to #HideTheirLocation .
This is a common tactic for spreading #disinformation and #CharacterAssasination via #FakeProfiles posing as the target, the #TargetedIndividual perpitrated by #CI's #WhiteListedCriminals & #Pedophiles in #CounterIntelligence.
#ci #gangstalkers #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #telegram #signal #TargetedIndividuals #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #uk #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #trillions #financialcrime #peoxyservers #hidetheirlocation #disinformation #characterassasination #fakeprofiles #targetedindividual #whitelistedcriminals #pedophiles #counterintelligence #insurrectionday #jan6th2021 #CapitolRiots
Hamas Ensnares Israeli Soldiers with Pretty ‘Ladies’ - The third catfish attempt in three years from the Palestinian militant group adds a few technical ... more: https://threatpost.com/hamas-israeli-soldiers-pretty-ladies/153020/ #israelidefenseforce #israelisoldiers #militaryservice #mobilesecurity #mobilemalware #fakeprofiles #fakechatapp #socialmedia #government #facebook #telegram #malware #privacy #catfish #spyware #twitter #hamas
#hamas #twitter #spyware #catfish #privacy #malware #telegram #facebook #government #socialmedia #fakechatapp #fakeprofiles #mobilemalware #mobilesecurity #militaryservice #israelisoldiers #israelidefenseforce