NANO vom 28. August 2023: Fake News in der Wissenschaft? - 3sat-Mediathek
#Papiermühlen #Papermills # Ghostwriter #FakeScience #llm
#papiermuhlen #papermills #fakescience #llm
@jnyrose @Caseyj @PamJarvis @academicchatter it depends. if you're an invited keynote speaker at a scientific conference, then you shouldn't have to pay, conference should pay your travel costs and, dare I say it, sometimes even pay you a speaking fee!
If you are just a regular #scientist who submitted an abstract and was chosen to speak for 10-15mins as a short communication or poster, then you (or ideally your institution) pays.
Either way, make sure it's a proper #conference #fakescience
#fakescience #conference #scientist
The worst is how #trafficEngineers make excuses for keeping it this way but 1: this "profession" kills 40k ppl/yr in the US, and 2: their predictions are based on #fakeScience that has been repeatedly proven wrong by #InducedDemand or the inverse: #TrafficEvaporation. Go ahead and knock down a freeway and show me I'm wrong.
#trafficengineers #fakescience #induceddemand #trafficevaporation
Attention à la dissolution !
#blocagetotal #STOPEACOP #greenwashing #fakescience
continue ses campagnes de corruption du monde de la recherche
Nous étions là pour rappeler comment Total saccage la planète et les savoirs scientifiques !
Nous étions là pour dénoncer les vrais écoterroristes !
Nous ne lâchons rien !!
#blocagetotal #STOPEACOP #greenwashing #fakescience
Self-Published Genius #138: #Dinosaurs in the #Bible ?!?! LOL
The title of today’s press release — they all have huge titles — is #God’s Dinosaurs Unveiled in Thought-Provoking Book by #AllenNance, and it was written by EIN Presswire.
Dinosaurs in the bible? Hidden truths? This is amazing!
#sundayschool #fakescience #badscience #history
#dinosaurs #bible #god #allennance #sundayschool #fakescience #badscience #history “Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are complicating publishers’ efforts to tackle the growing problem of paper mills — companies that produce fake scientific papers to order” #MachineLearning #AI #FakeScience #Lies #Ethics
#machinelearning #ai #fakescience #lies #ethics
Do #Creationists Intentionally Deceive their Audience?
#lies #deception #creationism #badscience #fakescience #bigbang #evolution #kenham #mikeRiddle
#creationists #lies #deception #creationism #badscience #fakescience #bigbang #evolution #kenham #mikeriddle
"the Gallup survey of more than 5,000 adults in late February indicates that depression ... among children amid COVID-19 shutdowns and social media use, is much more widespread.” In particular, “depression rates have sharply risen among women and Black and Hispanic people.”
The ATTRIBUTION OF CAUSATION to several week to month shutdowns -- as opposed to DEATH, DISABILITY, STRAINED INEQUITY, LATE STAGE CAPITALISM -- is appalling.
#COVID19 #fakescience #gaslighting
Une parfaite définition de la zététique à apprendre par cœur
#boufons #fakescience #zetetoc
More information about #fakeScience is in this talk (in German but with english subtitles) by the fabulous @sveckert
and co
Wir brauchen uns nicht zu wundern, dass jetzt klimawissenschaftliche Tatsachen wieder hinterfragt werden. Schließlich sind seit 3 Jahren #FakeScience und #FakeLaw en vogue. Und zu viele haben mitgemacht.
Hier raumklimawissenschaftliche Tatsachen,
N = 3 !
RT @HGrunbichler
Forschungsprojekt "Sicheres Klassenzimmer": Wirkung verschiedener Lüftungsmethoden hinsichtlich Luftqualität u Infektionsschutz im realen Schulunterricht von Chr…
The war on our culture continues #fakescience #thereareonlytwogenders #badscience
#badscience #thereareonlytwogenders #fakescience
It is an outrage this was even published. #fakecovidscience #fakescience
#fakescience #fakecovidscience
Study about #COVIDdementia found to be #flawed
#fakescience #sciencefraud #flawed #COVIDdementia
Jordan Peterson is no different from a teenager on social media, doing & saying more & more outrageous things just to get clicks. If he wasn't so popular amongst those who want simple answers to complex issues;
"He sounds intelligent, but he’s completely wrong,” it would be laughable.
Jordan Peterson’s ‘zombie’ climate contrarianism follows a well-worn path
Jordan Peterson is no different from a teenager on social media, doing & saying more & more outrageous things just to get clicks. If he wasn't so popular amongst those who want simple answers to complex issues,
"He sounds intelligent, but he’s completely wrong,” it would be laughable.
Jordan Peterson’s ‘zombie’ climate contrarianism follows a well-worn path
Fil a lire , parce qu’on pense que les fariboles ca finit a la poubelle mais non en fait ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Avez-vous déjà été confronté aux #FakeScience dans un cadre professionnel ?
Moi oui, et je l'ai toujours en travers.
🧶 1/n
Abstracts written by #ChatGPT fool scientists
👉 An artificial-intelligence (#AI) #chatbot can write such convincing fake research-paper #abstracts that scientists are often unable to spot them, according to a #preprint posted on the bioRxiv server. #Researchers are divided over the implications for #science.
#chatgpt #ai #chatbot #abstracts #preprint #researchers #science #research #publishing #fakescience #ethics